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Me and Colby got in quite the screaming match at each other all over one simple thing. We have never fought in all our relationship till now. We were yelling at each other because he was trying to acuse me of cheating when i haven't. he's been dloing this for weeks up until today. Today i saw he was texting a girl. 

He was trying to say i was the cheater and he has never but i don't believe it. He's been yelling at me over it and i'd shout right back at him. i have never seen him as furious and violent as he is now. over our whole 5 year relationship i've never seen him like this.

Colby: "Your the fucking slut in this and you fucking know it!" He shouted at me in anger. 

I was tearing up on the verge of tears while he was shouting but i was still fuming in anger.

"No i am fucking not! Your the cheater Cole! Who the fuck was that girl on your phone,  huh?!"

Colby was red, boiling up with even more anger.

Colby: "She was no one improtant! You have no need to bring her into this!"

"Oh i think maybe i should!"

Colby stormed up to me, cornering me and slamming his fist against the wall above my head. This terrified me. I tried to push him off me but he was to strong and muscularly built to push away from my small and weak body.

"Get off me! Move!"

Colby grunted in anger as his usual soft, ocean blue eyes were now dark with hatred stared down into my soul. His cheeks were red in anger and his fist hit the wall again. His other hand grabbed my wrist, pinning me to the wall.  

"Colby, Stop!" I plead in fear.

My anger melted away as i started to cry and tried to squirm away. I was trying with all my might but couldn't move away. He yanked my arm down roughly and pinned my wrist down again. 

Colby: "This is what you get, you whore!" He shouted in anger.

"Colby, please stop! Get away from me!" I cried in fear.

I could feel his strong grip on my wrist and my wrist was throbbing and hurting. I was crying and trying to get away again. i was too weak to get away. 

Colby: "You are such a fucking bitch!" He shouted at me.

He grunted again as he hit his fist against the wall again and after that i saw him remove his hand from above me. He raised his fist in front of my face and in anger released his anger. He swung his fist into my face, punching me straight in the face.

I felt a huge stining pain at first as tears fell from my eyes. I closed my eyes and i winced in pain and when i looked up at him i saw all anger from his face disappear. He was starring at me in absalute shock and was starring at my cheek.

Colby: " god..." He said in shock.

I gently put my hand on the spot he punched me at and it was stinging to bad. i was crying in pain and i looked up at Colby. I flipped him off as i ran past him to go to our room. 

Colby: "Y/n, wait! I'm so-"

He was cut off by me slamming the door to our room. i went in our bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. When i took my hand off my cheek, my cheek was red and already starting to bruise. He had just barely missed my eyes and it was so close to my nose. 

I heard Colby open the bedroom door so i quickly shut the bathroom door, locking it. I heard Colby knocking on the door nervous and anxiouly.

Colby: "Y/n Please open the door. I'm so sorry.  it was just that my anger lost control. i couldn't stop myself. i'm so so-"

"Colby leave me alone!" i snapped at him.

I ran my fingers over the bruise and winced a little in pain. Then i looked at my wrist hat he had been holding. My wrist was bruised and red from how hard he held my wrist.

Colby: "Baby please open the door. I'm sorry." 

i could hear the desperation in his voice as he was begging and pleading for me to open the door.

After a goof while i finally opened the door. Colby was standing there with pure fear and sadsdness in his eyes. He quickly wrapped his arms around me tight as he started to cry. He was shaking and rubbing my back.

Colby: "I am so so so so sorry. Please forgive me."

I sighed as i nodded with tears in my eyes.

"Fine. I forgive you. but don't do it again."

Colby kissed my forehead and wipd my tears gently. 

Colby: "I promise i will never do it again. i swear on my whole life."

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