Chapter - Part 59

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After our run we went to the locker rooms and took quick showers. I did not have time to do my hair so I pulled it back into a tight pony tail. I then put on a different black sports bra then the one I was wearing this morning. I pulled on over it a white crop top. And then pulled on my favorite pair of black jeans. I had brought heals with me but my feet where killing me from the run so I just shoved them back in my bag and put my sneakers back on..

I heard the bell ring for the start of the school day and I knew I was going to be late but I did not care. So what if I was a little late. As I walked down the hall I started to get this weird feeling in my gut. I did not know how to explain it or what it was but as I walked down the hall the feeling got more intense.

That was until I turned the corner and saw Malia talking to Derek and the feeling seemed to completely disappear.

"This is Brett's." Derek said to Malia as he threw a sweater at her. "Breath it in." He told her.

"I'm not good at it." She responded.

"Try it. Ill teach you." He said and she listened and sniffed the sweater.

"Focus on the different sent." He said.

"Got it." Malia responded happily.

"Great let's go." Derek told her.

"I'm coming to." I said as I made my way over to them.

"Like hell you are." Derek answered me.

"Yes I am and nothing you say is going to stop me. These are my friends. My family." I told him.

"Scott would not want you involved." He answered me.

"Scotts not the only family I got. Right cousin." I said to Malia.

"What?" Derek asked confused.

"I say we let her come." Malia said to Derek.

"It's too dangerous." He replied. "This is not some bonding exercise."

"I can help." I told him.

"How?" Derek asked me.

"From what I understand most of these assassins are not supernatural. I can fight." I told him.

"She can. I have seen her." Malia said standing up for me.

"Fine but if she dies your explaining it to Scott." Derek said to Malia before walking off.

When we reached Derek's car I climbed in the back and Malia jumped up front with Derek. We sat in silence for a while but it was just too much. I had to say something.

"So Derek you knew my family?" I asked him.

"Why would you ask that?" He responded as he looked at me through the mirror.

"Because I want to know." I responded to him.

"Yeah I knew them. How did you find that out?" He asked me.

"The Sheriff gave me my family's files. When they investigated there disappearance they pulled up a lot of history. Like the fact that you moved here with them from Salem and that you guys founded the town." I told him.

"You got all that from a file?" He asked me.

"Yes I did." I answered him.

"Is there a point to your question?" He asked me.

"I have a lot of questions. My first would have to be did we know?" I asked him.

"Know what?"

"Did we know about all this?" I asked him as I pointed from him to Malia.

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