Chapter 189 - Scott's POV

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Not much longer later my father and I stood on Izzy's doorstep. I rang the door bell and withing seconds we could hear someone running towards the door. Izzy opened the door with a smile on her face that instantly dropped when she saw the two of us standing there.

"Scott, Scott's dad...what's going on?" She asked the two of us.

"Thana's been taken. We need you to find her." I told her as I watched her face fill with worry as she looked to my father.

"I'm sorry to hear that but what do you think I can do?" She asked as she looked extremely worried that my father was there.

"Scott said you could do some sort of spell to find her." My father answered her.

She looked over to me in surprise.

"You told him?" She snapped at me.

"I really didn't have a choice," I replied.

She looked back to my father as if trying to assess him as if he was a threat.

"How long ago was she taken?" She asked as she stepped aside making room so we could enter.

"A little over an hour ago," I answered.

"They couldn't have gotten far, fallow me." She said as she led us up the stairs before stopping in front of a large door.

She turned and looked back at my father.

"If I find Thana you have to promise not to take me to Aria 51 and do experiments on me." She told him.

"Area 51's just a regular military base." He answered her as he looked at me as if he couldn't believe this was the girl was going to save his daughter.

"Tell that to my cousin." She responded as she pushed open the door.

My dad opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but nothing came out. He instead looked around the room. In the center of the room was an altar that had a bowl with a feather in it, candles, a chalice, and a dagger. Dried plants and animal feet hung from the walls. Shelves were filled with books and jars filed with god knows what. A cauldron rested against the far wall.

"An interesting room you have." My dad said trying to make conversation.

"Don't touch anything." She snapped at him as he reached for a jar of eyeballs.

"Are these humans?" He asked her.

"Centaurs, very rare." She answered as she cleaned off her alter and placed a map down on it.

I had questions about what she had just said but it would have to wait for later.

"Can you find her?" My dad asked as he stepped closer to her so he could see what she was doing.

"It's a good thing your daughter is paranoid. She actually prepared me for this exact situation." She answered as she turned around and used a key that was on a necklace around her neck and opened a small box.

She pulled out a small vile before turning back to us.

"What's that?" I asked her.

"Your sister's blood." She answered as she unscrewed the cap.

"Her blood? Why do you have her blood?" My dad asked.

Izzy took a second to look at me as if she could not believe what she was hearing.

"You didn't tell him?" She asked.

"Not about that," I answered.

"About what?" He asked the two of us.

"Thana is a blood mage." She answered him.

"What does that mean?" He asked, I could tell he was starting to get annoyed.

This was a lot to take in and he really did not have any time to process any of it.

"It means she can use blood to make herself stronger," Izzy told him in the simplest way she would.

"I don't even know what to say to that." He responded.

"I will answer all your questions after we find her. Know I need you both to shut up so I can concentrate." She told us as she poured out the vile in the center of the map.

She knelt in front of the alter placing one hand on each side of the map as she mumbled softly under her breath in what I think was Latin. She closed her eyes and looked deep in concentration. A few seconds later her eyes shot open and she looked down to the map. I followed her line of sight and the small pool of blood had started to move around the map.

"Holy shit, this is real. Magic is real." My dad said to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Is it working? Do you know where she is?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She answered.

"What do you mean you don't know. It's moving around that means it's looking for her right?" Dad asked.

"I'm looking but I can't find her... it's like she's gone." She answered and I could hear her heart pick up pace.

She was starting to worry, and if she lost focus we may never find her.

"What if she's already dead?" She asked.

"Shes not keep looking," I told her and that's what she did.

I looked down at the map and watched the blood swirl around and around in a repetitive pattern as it kept searching for her. Then all of a sudden it hit me.

"Derek said they had a way of stopping magic. We can't find her because there blocking magic." I told her.

"Your right." She replied as she looked back to the map.

"What is happening?" Dad asked.

"Your son is a genius. I have been trying to locate her by magic this entire time but I should be looking for the one part of the map where there's no magic. The one place my magic cant penetrate." She answered him with a smile as if she had caught a second wind.

After a few more seconds later she shot up and pointed to a spot on the map.

"There!" She yelled as she pointed to a spot on the map.

"This is where she is." She told the two of us.

"Do you know where that is why they would take her there?" Dad asked as he looked to the spot on the map that she pointed.

"It's the Nemeton," I answered him.

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