Chapter 46

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We pulled up to my house a few minutes later. I could not be happier to get out of this car. Ever sense Peter almost drove up off the road the tension in the car was unbearable. He just sat there quietly thinking to himself. Every once and a while I would catch him looking at me. Like he was scared I was going to go somewhere.

So when I parked the car in front of the condo. I quickly got out of the car. Which was a mistake. I instantly became lightheaded. Almost so bad that I could not stand. I had to lean against the car for support. I grabbed my head which was throbbing. A massive head ach came out of nowhere and was now wrecking me.

“Are you okay?” Peter asked from beside me.

“Yeah.” I said even though I obviously was not.

I had forgot about how bad crashing was. The better the drugs the harder the crash and the coke I did at the party where pretty strong. I looked at my phone through blurred eyes to see that it was almost 3am.

“I have to get inside.” I told him.

My dad was going to be home soon. If he was not home already.

I tried to make my way to the door but the pain in my head became so intense that I could barely stand.

I herd Peter let out a frustrated grunt form beside me and then the next thing I knew I was thrown over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes and he was caring me to my door.

I wanted to protest but before I could I was dropped on my ass. I looked up at him from the ground where I know sat.

“What the hell?” I yelled at him.

“Give me your dam keys.” Was all he said.

I looked behind me to see that we were already at my door. I handed him my keys and it did not take him long to open the door considering I only had the one key.

He then picked me up again as he had before and carried me inside. The door slamming shut behind us.

“Where’s your room?” He asked.

I simply pointed in the direction of my room not even bothering to speak or try to fight him.

He pushed the door open with his free hand, turning the light on and then threw me down on my bed.

“I would get to sleep before your dad gets home. Otherwise he’s going to notice. You’re a mess.” He told me.

“Well thank you.” I said to him sarcastically.

But he was rite I had to at least pretend to be asleep when he came home or this was not going to end well.

I quickly throw my bag and shoes that I still held in my hand on the other side of my bed and then stood up. I squinted against the pain that filled my head every time I tried to move.

Once I was fully off my bed I started to remove my pants.

“Wow. What are you doing?” Peter asked as he looked away from me.

“Getting ready for bed.” I told him. Like it was not obvious.

“You could not wait for me to leave the room.” He snapped out.

“Oh like I have something you have not seen before.” I told him as I continued to undress.

“Yes but I also remember you when you were in dippers so how about a little warning.” He said.

I was about to tell him I was under the covers and he could look now but he had already turned. His attention was on the door. He seemed to be listening to something.

“Your dad.” He said.

“What?” I asked as he ran to shut off my light.

“He just pulled up.” He told me as he looked around my room.

“How do you know?” I asked him.

“I could hear him.” He said as he looked back at me. “Sleep.” He told me before jumping into my closet.

I rolled over and pretended to be asleep. About thirty seconds later I herd the front door open. Shortly after that I could hear my bedroom door open.

“Thana.” My dad called out quietly not wanting to wake me if I was asleep.

He obviously thought I was asleep because a few seconds later he left and closed the door behind him.

I laid there in silence for what felt like forever until Peter emerged from my closet.

“He’s asleep.” He said.

 I did not bother to ask how he knew that.

“If you tell anyone about this.” He said pointing at the closet. “I will kill you.” He told me.

He then quietly walked out my room and out the front door. Not concerned at all that my dad would catch him. I can say my heart did not stop beating hard against my chest until I herd the loud roar of Derek’s car start up and drive away.

It did not take long after that for sleep to overcome me. 

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