Chapter 152

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"We have to go." Derek said to me after he hung up the phone with someone.

"Why what's going on?" I asked.

"Scott needs us." He answered as he pulled on his jacket.

"You didn't tell him I was with you." I reminded him as I pulled on my shoes.

He did not answer confirming that if he had told him Scott would tell him not to bring me.

"Where are we?" I asked when we came to a stop in front of an old were house.

"Not sure, this is Scott told us to meet him." He answered.

"Were he told you to meet him." I reminded him.

He reached out and held my hand.

"He's your brother, you will have to face him eventually." He told me.

When we walked in Scott, Isaac, and Argent where standing there staring at us. It was obvious Scott must have told them I was with Derek. He must have sensed me because they were all tense before I even walked through the door. The three of them stood there staring at me. Scott looked angry, Isaac  scared, and Argent had his hand on his gun.

"What are you doing here Thana?" Scott asked me.

I stood in front of him completely frozen not being able to speak. I felt so stupid, I had gone to school this morning just for this reason to talk to him but now I could not make any words.

"She was with me when you called." Derek answered.

"Are we going to have a problem?" Argent asked.

I looked up to the hunter who obviously would not hesitate to shoot me if he had the chance.

"I'm here to help." I answered.

"Is that really a good idea? I mean your idea of helping is killing everyone." Stiles said before slapping his hand over his mouth like he was trying to hold in his word vomit.

"There trying to kill us." I reminded him.

"She's right." Argent said causing the others to look at him strange.

"You and your friends may have the advantage when it comes to strength and speed, but you can't win a battle when you're not willing to kill. They are not fighting to subdue you. There fighting to kill you. We may need her." He told them.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"Don't thank me. You may be right in this situation but what you did the other night is just cold blooded murder. If you weren't Scott's sister you would be dead already." He told me.

"I can appreciate your honesty." I told him.

"If we're going to do this were doing it my way." Scott said to me.

"And what is that?" I asked him.

"You're not allowed to kill anyone." He said to me.

"I just want to help. If I promise not to kill anyone can I be included?" I asked him not believing the words that had just come out of my mouth.

Before he could answer there was a noise in the hall way. The noise came again and this time it was closer. We could see the shadow of whoever was about to walk through the door. Argent quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at whoever walked through the door. The only problem is the person was Brett and the second he saw Argent and his guns he turned and tried to rush him.

Scott quickly jumped in between the two pushing Brett back.

"Wait! This is his place." Scott said to Brett.

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