Chapter - 68 - Scott's POV

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Scott are you alright. You have been in there a long time. You need to come back with the others." Miss Martin called to me through the door.

I had locked myself in the locker room. I could not even open the door if I wanted to. I was hunched over the sink. I had to clutch on to the sides of it just to hold myself up. The pain I was feeling was unbearable. It what I would imagine a heart attack would feel like. My head felt like I was going to explode and I could not stop sweating no matter how much I tried to calm down.

I took a few deep breaths and then looked into the mirror hoping that I would look normal when I did. But unfortunately I could not control myself and I shifted even though I did not want to. I tried to force it back but could not. I felt like curling up into a ball and hiding until I went back to normal or died. Whatever came first?

I turned around and growled when I heard someone coming in behind me. I turned around to see that it was Mr. Yukimora.

"Get Stiles." I growled threw my teeth at him.

He quickly ran out of the room. It felt like forever before he returned. I looked around to see that he had got Stiles but also Malia and Kira.

"All hear." I tried to say sarcastically but it just came out like a painful cry.

"Still happening?" Mr. Yukimora asked me.

I could not answer I just turned to them my eyes still glowing giving them the answer.

Malia raised up her hands so we could see that her claws were out.

"I can't make them go back." She told us.

"Obviously the various is effecting you in a way it won't him any human being." Mr. Yukimora said to us.

"You have to stay out of site. We have to worn the others in quarantine." Stiles said to us like I was not already trying to stay out of site by hiding in the bathroom.

"Were are we going to go? What if you shift like on a full moon?" Kira asked the question that I was hoping no one would ask.

"We could stay in here in the locker room." I answered her.

"A class room is not going to hold us." Malia answered me.

"The basement?" Kira kind of asked.

"Too many witnesses. We need something secure were no one can find us." I told her.

"The vault. The Hale vault." Stiles yelled out in excitement.

"The Hales have to have an escape route. There has to be another way in." I said realizing Stiles was rite that was the best place for us right now.

"But how can we find it?" Malia asked.

"There has to be blue prints somewhere in this school." Stiles answered.

Mr. Yukimora got an excited look over his face and then hurried out of the room.

"Were the hell is he going?" Scott asked Kira.

"I don't know." She answered truthfully.

We all stood there looking after him wondering where he had disappeared to.

"What do we do now?" Malia asked me.

"Wait for him to come back." I answered not able to think of any other response.

We did not have to wait much longer before he ran back into the room carrying a role of blue prints.

"I got these from the record room." He said as he rolled them out on top of coach's desk.

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