Chapter 97

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Derek spend down the street as fast as he could without breaking any laws. It was obvious he did not want to get pulled over with a beat up sixteen year old in his car at three in the morning. Let alone a sixteen year old whose father was an FBI agent. When we finally pulled up in front of my house I could not help but let out the sigh I was holding when I saw that my dad was not yet home.

"Thank god." I said as I climbed out of the car.

I looked back when I heard Derek's door slam shut behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Making sure you get inside okay." He answered.

Then it dawned on me that he was going to walk me to my door. I could not help but smile at how cute he was being.

"Get your sexy werewolf ass back in the car and get out of here before my dad gets home. I'm sure I can make it three feet without spontaneously combusting." I told him.

He laughed at my stupid joke but did not move to get back in his car. Just then a pair of headlights turned the corner blinding me as the came down the street.

"Shit, Derek that's my dad get the hell out of here." I told him.

He quickly got in his car and drove off. I ran into the house and locked myself in my room as I tried to undress. I quickly pulled off the club clothes that Lydia gave me but before I could pull on my pj's there was a knock on the door.

"Be out in a minute!" I yelled as I pulled on my pjs.

"Open the door right now!" Dad yelled back.

"Coming!" I said as I made my way to the door.

I stopped quickly to look myself over and was surprised at what I saw. Not only were the bags under my eyes so dark I could be mistaken for a zombie, my skin was also ghost white. Then I froze when I saw my lip for the first time. It was not only swollen and bruised but cracked open. The rite side of my chin was a dark purple color. It was obvious I got punched.

"Fuck." I mumbled as I did not know what to do.

"Thana open this door or I will take it down and you won't have a door!" He yelled.

I really did not have a choice. It was obvious he saw me standing outside with Derek and he was pissed. And my face looked like I took a beating, there was no way to hide from this. So I finished my walk to the door and opened it up to look at an angry father.

"What were you doing outside? Who were you talking to?" He yelled the second I opened the door but the anger quickly faded to shock when he saw my face.

"What the hell happened?" He asked as he tried to reach out and touch my face.

I quickly side stepped him and walked out into the living room to grab the tampons he bought hopping he would get uncomfortable and forget what he had just asked me.

"Thanks dad you're a life saver." I said as I grabbed the bag and tried to walk away from him.

"Yeah I found them after I had to ask the lady behind the counter where they were. To be told the brand you told me to get don't exist. Now I know that's so you could sneak around with whoever was outside." He snapped at me.

"Or maybe I just have a bad memory." I answered as I tried again to get away.

"Hey get back here." He said as he blocked my way.

"What happened?" He asked again, more stern then before.

"I fell, hit my face on the table. You know me such a cults." I told him as I hoped he would believe me.

"Except for the fact that your one of the most coordinated people I know. So what really happened?" He said to me.

"I told you, I fell." I replied.

"When you fell did the table happen to grab your arm as well?" He yelled at me.

I had to admit I was confused. I had no idea what he was talking about until I looked to my arm to see a Jared size hand print on my arm where he had grabbed me.

"Oh." I said as I looked at it not knowing what to say.

"Was it that kid? That kid you were talking to outside?" He asked and I instantly started getting worried that he would blame Derek.

"No dad." I answered as I tried to walk away again.

"What was that a black Camaro?" He asked again getting in my way so I could not walk away.

I tried to think of something to say but I did not know what to say. Hey dad know it's not Derek Hale the twenty-two year old werewolf it's the nineteen year old incubus. That he did it because he's a crazy jealous man who thought we were dating because we hung out like three times.

"If you don't answer me I will find out. I'm in the FBI remember." He snapped at me.

"Look I don't know what to tell you. I went out and got into a fight." I told him.

"You went out! You got shot just a few days ago! Were the hell was Scott? He was supposed to be watching you." He yelled at me.

"Hey don't get mad at Scott. When he left I was asleep. I snuck out after." I lied to him.

"And why the hell would you do that?" He asked me.

"There was a party." I answered.

"A party? Are you crazy? Or have you forgotten that people were killed at the last two parties held?" He snapped at me.

"I know it was stupid but I was bored." I told him.

"You were bored." He repeated. "And at this party you got into a fight?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered not knowing if he believed me or not.

"Who dropped you off?" He asked.

"A friend." I answered.

"Does this friend have a name?" He asked.

"No." I told him.

"Go to bed we will talk about this in the morning." He told me.

I wanted to correct him and tell him it already was the morning, but I managed to hold it in and walked to my room.

"And no more locking your door!" He yelled after me.

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