Chapter Five

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I laid there in bed staring up at the ceiling. Desperately trying to fall asleep. I was thinking about getting out of bed to get something to eat when I heard a loud banging coming from outside my room somewhere. It was so loud it rang through the house. The only time I ever heard anything close to this was when the police would come to your door and bang really loud trying to scare you.

            I walked out of my room to see my dad standing in front of his room with his gun drawn.

            “Go back in your room.” He told me.

            I instantly did. I was starting to get worried. Why was his gun out? Who would be stupid enough to come to an FBI agents house in the middle of the night to start problems? I asked myself.

            A few seconds later the banging stopped. It was quite for a few seconds before I herd the door slam shut. Then there was yelling. I did not recognize the voice but it belonged to another guy. I did not hear a gun shot and whoever this was is in the house. It must be someone my dad knew.

            I tried to make out what was being said but whoever was out there was yelling so frantically that I could only make out a word here and there. Nothing enough to figure out what they were fighting about.

            “Stop lying to me. Come out!” He yelled. “I know you’re here.” It was the first thing I was able to make out.

            Is he talking to me? I was so confused no one knew I was hear.

            I stepped out into the hall and saw that the person who was doing all the yelling was a kid. He was around my age. As I looked at him I instantly knew who he was. The similarities between the three of use where something that could not be denied.

            We all had the same tan almost olive skin color. His hair was almost black and if it was a little longer you could tell it would be a curly mess just like mine. His eyes were the same color as our dads. I could not help but notice his crocked jaw line. I let a small smile from on my face thinking of my own crocked smile that used to get me picked on when I was a kid.

            He seemed to be looking me over but did not come to the same conclusion as I did.

            “Eww dad. She’s like my age.” He spat out.

            I did not know what to say. What do you say to the brother who did not know you exist when he just accused you of sleeping with the father who just found out you exist?

            “Hi.” I said as I raised my hand in a slight wave.

            Hi. What the hell is wrong with you?

            “Scott that’s disgusting.” He said. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

            “Then who is she?” Scott yelled.

            “She’s your sister.” He yelled back at him.

            “I don’t have a sister.” He said more calm then he was a minute ago.

            “Yes you do.” Dad told him.

            He looked back over to me. This time actually taking in what I looked like. The only difference between us was my freckles and weird ass eyes. He finally seemed to notice.

            “Hi. I'm Thana” I repeated.

            He looked back and forth between me and our dad in shock.

            “How old are you?” He asked me when he finally looked back at me.

            “Sixteen.” I told him.

            “Sixteen, but I’m seventeen. That means.” He started to say but did not finish his sentence. He just quickly walked out of the condo and dad fallowed him.

            I just stood there not quite shore about what it is I should do.


 A/n did you check out the video. If you did its about Scott just wanting his dad to say it (say the truth about Thana) And how it affects him when he finaly does tell him the truth. 

Quote from song

"I dont have the time for your distorted esteem. Why are you toying with my mind? I don't wanna hear you say say say say say say say say it. Now your messin' with my pride."

"Well I confess, you were too much stress. Id have a heart attack at best. So now I breath it out, I breath it out."

"Stop talking down to me your war is old your game is over. So heres my coldest shoulder."

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