Chapter 42 - David

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I could not tell if I was angry or upset that Thana had walked away from me like she did. I was standing in the corner drinking my beer wondering what the hell happened not even five minutes ago.

We were having a good time well at least I was. Then I had to go open my big mouth and piss her off. I have not known her long but I did know it was easy to make her angry and I should have known better then to try to tell her what to do.

Why did I even try to tell her what to do? It really was not my place to say anything. She was rite I did not know her or own her. And it was only one dance not an invitation to marred. So why am I acting this way?

I just really hate Jared. I told myself. Even though it was true I knew that was not the reason.

Holly crap. I like Thana. The thought completely bothering me. How the hell did that happen?

I knew Jared all too well. He my brother and I used to be inseparable. I even used to be friends with Izzy, Stella, and Allen. I still could not believe after what happened that they all still talk to him. In reality I knew they only tolerated him. The girls and Allen needed him. He was the singer to their band. And my brother well he was never the type to turn down money and Jared brought him money. In more ways than one.

But Jared is not a good guy and I did not want him around Thana. I know how he is especially with the girls. He is going to eat her up and spit her out. She will not even know what hit her. He’s a crappy man, a shitty friend, and the worst type of boyfriend you could ask for.

He was probably trying to get into Thana’s pants rite now. I pushed the thought out of my mind not liking the amount of rage that was building in my body.

“Hey.” Someone said from next to me.

I turned to look at my brother.

“What?” I yelled at him.

“Hey don’t get snippy with me. I just came over to tell you that I don’t know what you said to her but if it’s bothering you that much why don’t you go apologies.” He told me before walking away like that was the end of that conversation.

Apologize. Did I do something that I should apologize for? I don’t think I did but she obviously does. I did not want her mad at me. I at least needed to be her friend if for anything to try to way more discreetly keep her way from Jared. My feet started leading me to the back room before my brain even registered what I was doing.

Once I made it into the back room I realized what a mistake this had been.

Thana was startling him on the couch. His arms wrapped around her waist as his disgusting lips where all over her neck and chest. Her head was tilted back letting a small moan out through her lips. I could not help the anger that filled me replacing my state of shock when I heard him make her moan. I took another step forward not even realizing it. She must have seen me then because her head shot up and around as she looked at me. Making direct eye contact.

I could not tell if I wanted to pull her off him and drag her out of the room. Or pull her off him and beat him to a bloody pulp. That was until he looked up at me and plastered a smug grin on his face.

I wanted nothing more than to break his jaw so he would never smile at me again. I knew I could do it to but fighting was against my probation. So is drinking. I told myself trying to talk myself into doing something that a few months ago I would not have even thought off. If this was a few months ago he would be knocked out by now, and he knew it.

I so desperately wanted to punch him so I did the only thing I could think of. I punched my first rite through the wall. I removed my hand from the wall completely ignoring the pain and blood that was spilling from my knuckles and stormed out of the room.

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