Chapter 192 - Thana's POV

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I was tied to a large wooden stake that was placed into the Nemeton. My hands were tied behind the pole and bound by the wrists to I could not pull them in front of me. So, I could not escape no matter what. A second rope was tied tightly around my chest right under my breast making it almost impossible to breath. The continues pressure on my chest make it impossible to take an entire breath. The third rope was tied tightly around my ankles making it impossible to move my legs at all.

The ropes on my wrists were starting to dig and rip into my skin as I struggled against them.

"There's no point in resisting." The headhunter said to me once she noticed me struggling against my restraints.

I looked up and made eye contact with her. I wanted to yell, to fight but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing my fear. So, I stood up as tall as I could and staired her down as well as I could as I struggled to hold in the tears that wanted to fall like little waterfalls, but I refused to let my dams fail.

"Any last words?" She asked as she held out her hand to the witch who's names, I didn't know.

The witch light a torch and handed it to her. I quickly looked down to my feet and the wood and hey that was below me. Once it was lit it would only take a few seconds to go up in flames. This was it; I was going to die. I looked back to her and did my best to smile at her.

"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." I told her causing her to smile back at me as she walked towards me with the fire that was going to set me ablaze.

"Stop!" Scott's voice yelled out into the night.

My head snapped in his direction as I watched him, Izzy and my dad running towards me.

"Scott, no! You can't, Derek will die!" I yelled out but he continued forward.

He didn't listen he just kept running until he slammed into an invisible wall that sent him flying back about ten feet. Both dad and Izzy froze in place as they looked from me to Scott.

"What the hell just happened?" My dad asked Izzy as Scott got back up and ran to the edge of the force field and started trying to punch his way through it.

I could already see blood starting to drip down the invisible barrier as his knuckles started to crack.

"It's a force field. One of the witches have to be casting it." Izzy answered.

"You're a witch, right?" Dad asked which confused me.

When did he find out about all this?

"Yes." Izzy answered.

"Can you take it down?" He asked her as Scott continued to punch against the barrier.

"Maybe." She answered as she walked up and placed her hands on the barrier.

"Scott, you need to be ready. If I get it open, I won't be able to hold it for long. I'm not that strong!" She yelled to Scott who stopped punching the invisible wall and walked over to her.

"Do it now!" The leader of the witch hunters yelled.

As the torch was thrown towards my feet, I saw Derek and Stiles pull up. The flames were starting to rise all around me but all I could focus on was Derek as he ran towards me.

He's okay. I thought as I stared at him.

He was going to be okay; they gave him the antidote like they said they would. In the end that's all that mattered to me. Everyone I had come to care about was going to be okay. All I had to do was die here today and everyone else would be okay. The heat from the fire was starting to rise from my feet to my legs. I tried to ignore the pain by looking at my loved ones by focusing on them. Malia, Kira, and Deaton had at some point had arrived, but I couldn't look at them any longer. The pain in their faces was to much to look at. I bit my lip so hard that I started to bleed as I tried to hold in the scream that was building in my chest. But it was of no use the fire had reached my chest and I could not deny the pain any longer. My vision had gone black as everything around me faded away. 

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