Chapter 118

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When I woke up this morning dad was already gone. He left a note near the breakfeast he had made letting me know he had gone to work. I assumed it was to go over the case from what happened last night. I quickly eat the food and then went and got changed. I had one think I wanted to do today and that was see David. All I knew was he was in the hospital but no one would tell me how he was doing.

I grabbed my purse and phone and called an uber. I spoked a cigarette while I waited for the ride. I had two more before the ride got there. I jumped in the back and told the driver to bring me to the hospital. Ten minutes later we were there. I paid the man and hopped out. I walked in and was not surprised to see Melissa standing there.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I need to see David." I told her.

"No, you need to be home resting." She told me.

"You don't understand." I told her.

"No you don't understand. Your dad left me in my care and not only did I let you go on a trip he told me not to send you on because you told me you would stay out of trouble. Then when you got there you lied to Coach and snuck out. You could have been killed." She yelled at me and for a second I was confused.

It seemed like she really cared.

"Did you know? Did you know that they added you to the dead pool when you talked me into letting you go?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"You're just as bad as your brother." She said as she ran her hands through her hair.

"He's in room 404." She said before walking off down the hall.

I quickly headed in the direction of his room. It was easy to find considering how much time I spent in this fucking place. I reached the door and pushed it open. My eyes instantly watered up when I saw him lying there. He had a huge bandage wrapped around his head. He had tubes in his nose and another down his throat. He was hooked up to a bunch of other things and truthfully looked dead.

"What are you doing here?" A small voice said from the corner of the room.

I looked over to see David's older brother sitting there in the corner near the bed. I had not even realized he was sitting there until now.

"I just wanted to see how he was doing." I answered.

"Well you saw now leave." He said to me before looking back to his brother.

"I'm sorry." I told him in a hushed voice.

"Sorry for what exactly? Sorry that my brother is dying because of you?" He yelled at me.

"This is not my fault." I said defending myself.

"So you're going to deny that they were there to kill you?" He asked me.

"Why would you say that?" I asked him.

"Because anyone with eyes can see that. You got shot a week ago. On the same day someone releases a virus in your school trying to kill your brother and his friend. Before that someone tried to strangle your brother. Before that a man lost his head at a party thrown by your friends. It's not that hard to find the link to all of this. That link is you and your friends. If you really care about my brother you will stay the hell away from him." He said to me before opening up the door.

I looked back to David before leaving the room. I wanted to yell, to cry, to do anything but I could not. I walked out of the hospital in silence. Not really knowing where I was going to go. I just let my feet guide me.

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