Chapter Four - Scott

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A/N check out the video


My mother was rite. Going to see my father rite now was not a good idea. I could feel the rage building inside me and I was not shore if I would be able to control the shift. I have no idea what happened because my mom would not tell me. She just kept saying that I would have to talk to my father. But I refused to wait. She came home from dinner crying and clearly very upset. Mom never cry's in front of me. My father did something that had totally broke her.

I promised her I would not confront him and just wait for him to tell me what was going on. After I promised she went up and locked herself into her room. Once I could hear her that she stopped crying and I was shore she was asleep I quickly left my house jumped on my bike and rode over to my father's house.

I was going to find out what happened at that restaurant and I was going to find out tonight.

I pulled into the empty parking spot rite next to his and practically leaped off of my bike.

I ran up to the door and started banging on the door with almost all my strength. I could literally feel the door shaking under my fists. If he did not answer the door soon I would be knocking it of off its hinges.

I could hear footsteps approaching the door. When the door finally opened I was met with a gun in my face. It took only a second for my dad to realize that it was his son he was pointing a gun at. He quickly dropped it down to his side. I quickly stepped into the house slamming the door shut behind me.

"Scott what the hell are you doing here?" He looked over to the clock.

"Its four o'clock in the morning. Does your mom know you're out?" He asked me.

I could not believe him how dare her talk about my mother after whatever it was that he did tonight.

"Don't talk about her!" I yelled at him. "How dare you. What did you do to her?" I asked him.

"Scott I have no idea what you are talking about. So why don't you stop yelling at me and tell me what is actually bothering you." He told me.

"My mother. She came home crying. She was really upset. What did you do to her? Do you have any idea how excited she was for dinner tonight? She actually thought you wanted to talk out your problems. You know fix things. Then she comes home crying and locks herself in her room. What did you do?" I yelled at him.

I could feel the shit coming. I was getting to angry. I could feel my nails start to grow. I pulled my fists together. I could feel my nails digging into my hand. The pain calming me down slightly. I just hopped my dad did not see the blood that was definitely spilling from my hands.

"Scott you're bleeding." He said sounding worried.

"That's not the point. What happened at dinner tonight?" I yelled at him.

That's when I saw something that definitely should not be in his house. A pair of black leather women boots. They were just lying on the floor near the screen door. I walked past my father and over to the door.

"Scott what are you doing?" My father asked me.

"Who's are these?" I asked pointing at the shoes.

I could pick up the sent. I sniffed around and the air. And instantly filled with rage.

"She's hear rite now. In your house." I said through grinded teeth.

"Scott it's not what you think." He told me.

"Stop lying to me. Come out!" I yelled. "I know you're here." I yelled at.

I did not know why I was acting so irrationally it must be that the full moon was just a few days away. I heard a door open behind me and spun around to see a young girl standing in the hall way in nothing but shorts and a tang top. Her black hair laid down to her waist freely. She was tan, and had strange eyes. One was blue like the ocean and the other was green like grass. She was pretty but she was young, so young.


A/n did you check out the video. If you did its just about Scott being done with his father and wanting him to leave him alone. And being weak to controle his anger to him. Theres one line in the song that fits the way Scott feels in this chapter perfectly its

Quote from song

"Please give me a reason so I cant shut you out."

"No more love to purchase, i've invested in myself."

"You know nothing about me. Keep opinions to yourslef."

"I just want to be alone."

"When I get weak or I'm tired and afraid. When I sleep all my dreams turn out the same. When I bleed I'll relieve you of your pain."

"Take your observations and turn them on yourself."

"Let me live my life alone."

"When I'm running scared, thats when I need to know that you'll let me go."

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