Chapter 125

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A few days later I was finally relased from the hospital and I could not be more excited. I was lucky to have my friends come visit me every day after school. When they were at school Derek would come and stay with me but I was still starting to go crazy being in there.

After a while of begging I finally got Derek to tell me what he did to heal me and for some reason it did not surprise me. It just kinda seemed like the logical thing to do. Scott came with dad and the two of them drove me home. I did not know what was going on with Scott as he was just quite the entire time but dad was another story. He would not shut up. Every few seconds asking if I was okay. I understand that he's just worried but nothing had changed from a few minutes ago. Or a few minutes before that.

When we finally got home I wanted nothing more than to crawl into my bed and just disappear. And thankfully no one objected. Scott left a little while after that and soon after that dad went to bed. Once he was asleep I pulled out the book of shadows and started reading through it but I could not find anything about blood magic which made no sense.

I shoved the book back under my bed and forced myself to go to sleep. The next morning Izzy picked me up for school. I really did not want to go back but it was not like I had a choice. The day went buy in a blur of uneventful crap and people asking me if I was okay. I wanted this day to just end.

I walked outside and the first thing I noticed was Derek standing out there by his car. I smiled and ran over to him. Placing a quick peck on his lips not caring who saw.

"Get in." He told me.

I did what he said and then the two of us quickly drove off. It was only a few minutes later and we were at his loft. When we got up there Derek stopped walking causing me to bump into him.

I looked around him to see that it was just Peter. I pushed my way around him and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"What are you doing here?" Derek asked him.

"Just trying to help." He said as he tossed something at me.

I was not able to catch it because my good arm was one arm was broken and the other was on the side of my broken ribs.

Whatever he threw at me hit me in the face. I could not help but squirm as whatever it was, not only cold but wet and squishy. I looked to my lap to see a blood bag sitting there.

"What the hell is this?" I asked as I looked down to the bag.

"It's to help you heal." He told me.

I looked from him to it confused.

"What am I supposed to do, drink it?" I asked.

"No, I mean you could if that's your type of thing. Or you could just touch it." He answered.

"And it will heal me?" I asked.

"If you have enough." He said as he kicked a cooler over to me.

I opened it up to see it was full of blood bags.

"Where did you get that much blood?" Derek asked him.

"Calm down I didn't kill anyone. I just stool it from the hospital." He answered.

"You don't have to do this." Derek told me.

"Like hell she don't!" Peter yelled at him.

"Were being hunted by trained assassins and our MVP is out on injury. We need her back on the field." Peter snapped.

"This is not a game!" Derek yelled.

"Your right it's not. That's why I have to do this." I butted in.

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