Chapter 57

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To say I had an early start this morning would be an understatement. I was woken up by the doorbell at three o'clock in the morning. After the day I just had I was going to kill who ever woke me up. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the front door. I stopped when I saw Dad standing at the open door and he did not look happy to be woken up either.

"It's for you." He said to me as he stepped away from the door.

I walked around him to see who the hell was at the door this early. To my surprise it was David.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Waking your ass up. We need to train." He told me.

"Train for what?" I asked him as I rubbed my eyes and walked away from the door and over to my couch.

I sat down and herd the door shut behind me. I expected David to come and sit next to me. He did not he just stood at the foot of the couch.

"Are you going to sit down?" I asked him.

"No. We have work to do." He told me.

"What work?" I asked him.

"Coach told me to train you and I am training you. We have a match coming up soon and I always run in the mornings working up to the match." He told me.

"Do you have a problem with that?" He asked me.

"I wouldn't if I got more than three hours of sleep last night." I snapped at him.

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" He asked me.

"Yes, but that's not the problem. I was out late last night." I told him.

"Out late? Didn't your dad's friend bring you home?" He asked me.

"My dad's friend?" I asked him confused.

"Yeah the old man I saw you leave the school with." He responded.

"OH you mean Peter. He's not one of my dad's friends." I told him.

"Then who is he?" He asked me.

"Peter Hales, he's Derek's uncle." I told him.

"You mean the creepy guy who has been following you around?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered him.

"So let me get this straight. Someone tries to kill your brother and your response is to go hang out with and old man and your stalker?" He asked me.

"Okay it's not like that." I told him.

"Then what is it like?" He asked me.

"It's complicated, and it was not just us. Stiles, and Brett was there to." I told him.

"Brett, that jerk from the other team?" He asked annoyed.

"Look I really don't want to get into this. Do you want me to get changed or do you want me to try to explain all that happened last night?" I asked him.

He took a second to think it over. I could tell he was curious but he was also not go to budge on the jog.

"Go get dressed." He said to me.

I hoped up quickly before he could change his mind and ran to my room.

I was stopped onto my way to my room by a very angry and tired looking father.

"Next time you want to go for a morning run set an alarm." He said to me before turning and disappearing back into his room.

I had to believe that if dad wasn't so tired his reaction would have been different. He must be so tired considering he came in after I did.

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