Chapter - 161- Lydia's POV

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I was sitting on Derek's couch with Stiles on one side of me and Parrish on the other. The three of us sat there in silence as we waited for any news. Any at all, news on Thana, news on what we were going to do with Derek's body that was lying in his bed covered in a sheet so we did not have to look at him any longer. My eyes were sore from all the crying, I had no tears left in my eyes and by Stiles puffy red eyes be must feel the same way.

Parrish was a little bit more put together than us, but that made sense he fought in a war and he was a cop. We were just kids, kids who have seen way too much. Kids who have been through too much. Who have lost too many people and yet we just lost another and who knew what was going on with Thana. The two of us started off rocky but that little ball of trouble had really grown on me. I was scared for her. She was really losing it, and now that Derek was gone who knew what she would do.

The silence was eventually broken when Stiles phone rang. He didn't say who it was but he quickly answered making me think it had to be Scott.

"You found her." He said. "Great, where is she?" He asked.

He passed for a second as he listened to whatever Scott was saying. I wanted to yell at him, I needed to know what was going on. What they were saying. I needed to know if she was okay.

"Shit really? We'll be right there." He said before hanging up.

"What's going on? Where is she? Is she okay?" I asked supper fast that I was not sure he would be able to understand me.

"Isaac found her. She's at the hospital, Scotts on his way there now." Stiles answered me.

"What happened?" Parrish asked.

"I don't know, I don't think Scott does either. Isaac just told him it's bad." He answered.

"We'll take my cruiser. It's faster than your jeep." Parrish said as he stood up and grabbed his keys.

The two of us quickly got up to follow after him but I was stopped when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

"Lydia we have to go," Stiles said once he realized I was no longer following him.

But I could not move. Something was telling me to stay. To turn around and wait, but I did not want to wait. I wanted to get to the hospital and see Thana. To know that she was okay, but still, I turned around. It was as if my body knew what it was doing before my brain did. My eyes landed directly on Derek before I even knew that's where I wanted to look. One of his hands hung off his bed, exposed from the blanket that was once covering his entire body.

"Lydia, we have to go," Stiles said again.

"He moved," I said as I continued to stare at him.

"His hand probably just slipped. Come on Scotts expecting us." He said again this time grabbing my hand and trying to pull me forward.

"Wait," I responded as I pulled my hand free.

"Wait for what?" Parrish asked.

"That," I said as I pointed at his twitching hand.

"You saw that right?" I asked but no one answered.

His chest slowly started moving up and down.

"What's happing?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

Then the sheet started to move in and out of his mouth as he started to breath faster. Then finally he shot up gasping for breath. The sheet fell off of him revealing his confused face. I quickly ran over to him not being able to control my feet.

"Derek hey, look at me," I said as I tried to calm him down.

He was looking around the room frantically.

"It's okay, everything's going to be okay." I tried to tell him even though I still had no idea what was going on.

He struggled to get up out of bed only to fall to the floor landing on his face.

"Help me get him up!" I yelled, Stiles and Parrish quickly ran over and helped me lift him back onto his bed.

Once he was sitting up with a little help from me Parrish ran to the kitchen and grabbed him a glass of water.

"Drink this." He ordered Derek who just looked at the glass as if it was poison.

"Here let me help," I said as I held the glass up to his lips.

He tried to drink it but most of it fell out of his mouth and onto his chest causing him to jump back like it had burned him.

"Should we call someone?" Parrish asked.

"Who there all at the hospital with Thana," Stiles said causing Derek's eyes to grow wide with worry.

I really wanted to smack Stiles right now. Sometimes I swear that boy did not think before he speaks.

He tried to get up again but I had to push him back down onto the bed.

"You're just going to hurt yourself. Thana's in the hospital. We don't know what's wrong but Isaacs with her and everyone else is on the way. We'll take you there but you need to calm down." I told him

"I got this." A voice said from behind us causing me to jump.

"Where the hell do you keep coming from?" Stiles asked as we all looked to Peter step out of the shadows.

"Move." He said not answering just pushing us aside.

He held out his hand trying to grab Derek who fell over as he tried to get away from him.

"Enough Derek. I'm trying to help. She needs you, and you can't help her sitting here like this." Peter told him as I helped him up.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him.

"I'm going to help along the healing prosses, so he can go save the suicidal witch," Peter answered.

Derek grunted at his comment obviously wanting to know what he was talking about.

"Stand aside," Peter said to me and this time I listened letting him get ahold of Derek's arm.

It took only a few seconds before Peter's veins started to turn black and force Derek's to do the same.

They both screamed out in pain until Peter pulled himself out of Derek's grasp. Derek quickly shot up from the bed and started towards the door without a word. I knew someone should stay behind and keep an eye on Peter but unfortunately for him, no one cared about him enough to stay behind. We all ran after Derek as we tried to keep up with his rushed pace.

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