Chapter 133

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I watched as Derek walked out the door. I know I yelled at him but I really expected him to put up more of a fight. Obviously he didn't care anymore. Why else would he not heal me? Why else would he leave so easily?

I grabbed my phone and called Izzy.

"Hey." She said as she answered.

"Are you buys?" I asked her.

"No, why? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing to worry about. Just got into a fight with Derek. Can you come over?" I asked.

"No problem I'll be right over." She answered before hanging up the phone.

Thankfully it only took her about ten minutes to get here.

"What happened?" She asked the second she walked through the door.

"He refused to heal me and would not give me a reason why." I answered as I closed the door behind her.

"Wait you mean to tell me you're still injured. It's been days, why has no one helped you?" She asked.

"Apparently everyone has got together and decided to cut me off. Like some sort of addict. Decided too much blood is bad for me or some shit." I answered.

"They don't know what there talking about. There not witches. They don't get it. Out powers our part of us. It's not something we can control. I mean your powers are a little messier but denying them is not going to help anyone." She told me.

She is the only one how has made any sense in days.

"That's what I'm saying but people just think I should suck it up, but I want to help." I told her.

"This is ridiculous, what if someone tried to kill you again?" She asked.

"I'll probably die." I answered.

"Whatever. Fuck them, here." She said as she pulled a knife out of her purse and cut the palm of her own hand.

I could not help but smile at her.

"Do you just carry a knife around with you at all times?" I asked her as I stared at her bloody hand.

"You know in case of emergencies." She said as she stretched out her hand to me.

I quickly reached out and grabbed hold of it. I held on tightly. I could not help but close my eyes as the euphoric sensation over whelmed me. My entire body started to tingle as it started to heal its self.

I could feel my bones mending and muscles healing. My body was now perfectly healed and had started to tingle even more as I continued to absorb her. I opened my eyes and the room started to spin.

All of a sudden I was on my ass. I looked up from where I was sitting and saw Izzy standing over me. She looked a little winded.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were taking too much." She said as she started to wrap her hand.

"You don't have to do that." I told her as I grabbed her hand and healed it for her.

"Thanks." She said as she looked to her hand.

"No thank you." I responded as I felt great.

My phone rang stopping whatever she was about to say.

"Who is it?" She asked when she saw me hand it up.

"It's just Derek." I answered.

"You should cut him some slack. He's just doing what he thinks is right." She told me.

"I know." I told her even thought I did want to tell him that.

"Your dads not going to be home for a while. Go apologies to your man wolf." She told me.

"I don't know." I answered as I thought about out fight.

"Go, I'll cover for you." She told me.

"How what If my dad comes home?" I asked.

"That's easy." She responded.

"I call upon the ancient powers. To mask us now and in future hours. Hide us well and thoroughly. But not from those we call family." She said.

The air around her seemed to shimmer and then it was like looking into a mirror. I was staring at an exact replica of me. Except she was still in her clothes.

"How the hell did you do that?" I asked as I started to walk around her.

"It's a spell a friend taught me a few years back." She answered.

"That is so cool." I told her.

"Yep it's easy I'll teach you. Then I'll stay here and pretended to be you and you can get past your escort by being me." She told me.

"Okay how do I do it?" I asked.

"You just have to repeat the phrase and think about who you want to look like." She told me.

She repeated the phrase or spell I guess. Then I repeated what she had told me. I put all my concentration into how Izzy looked. My body started tingling in the strangest way. It did this for a few seconds. Then as quickly as it came it stopped. I quickly ran over to the mirror to see it had worked.

"Holy shit." I said as I looked and poked my face that now looked just like Izzy.

"This is amazing." I said as I twirled around and looked at myself.

"Yep, it's one of the better spells, and I did not even have to slaughter a chicken." She replied.

"Is that something you do?" I asked her.

"Sometimes, not often." She answered.

"That's just gross." I said as I pulled my or her hair up into a pony tail.

"Says the person who just absorbed my blood." She responded with a chuckle.

"I guess you're right." I told her.

"Okay here I go." I said as I tried to put my shoes on but realized they did not fit.

"Here." Izzy said as she pulled off her shoes.

"Thanks." I said as I pulled off my tight shoes.

"So how do I switch this off?" I asked.

"It's simple you just say the reversal. I call upon the ancient powers. To unmask us now and in further hours. Show us well and thoroughly. Reveal ourselves so the world can see." She said before turning back into herself.

"So you think you could write that down for me?" I asked.

"It's in your book of shadows." She answered before plopping back down onto the couch.

"Okay bye I'm leaving." I told her as I headed to the door.

"Have fun." She replied as she started flipping the channels on the tv.

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