Twenty Nine

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I made my way outside for wrestling practice. The first thing I saw was Malia wrapped in Stiles arms. They were facing each other and she was looking up at him with a big smile on her face. He was looking down at her and he looked just as happy. The two of them looked so happy. I could not help the small pain that formed in my chest knowing that I have never felt that way. I have had some boyfriends before but they were all losers. Complete bad boys. The type you find in foster care. Or the type of guys willing to date a girl with all my crap. Let's just say I have never had a healthy relationship before. I scanned the field and found Scott and Kira on the lacrosse field. Scott was teaching her some new moves and she seemed to be picking it all up really quickly. Even they looked completely happy. They were completely unaware of the fact that Liam was hovering around them. It was easy to tell they were so in love.

Maybe I would be able to find that now that I have a home. I thought to myself. I shore hoped so.

 I looked for Lydia who was standing off to the side. By herself. She stood there with her arms folded and a scowl on her face. I fallowed her line of site. She was staring at Stiles and Malia. I looked back at her and it was obvious she was jealous. I would have to keep my eye on her. No way was I letting that bitch get in between Stiles who is a complete sweet heart and Malia who was my cousin.

"Are you ready?" A breath whispered in my ear. So close that I could feel his breath on my ear and cheek.

My heart jumped in my chest. Causing me to gasp. I did not recognize the voice and I defiantly did not feel comfortable with people getting this close to me.

I took a deep breath in looking out in front of me as I did to see Scotts, Malia, Kira, and even Liam's eyes all on me as if they knew I just almost had a heart attack.

I spun around to see who it was who was so uncomfortable close to me. When I turned I was chest to chest with David. He stood in front of me with his arms at his hips. Looking down at me with his devilish look in his eyes.

My blood instantly started to boil. Who the hell did he think he was to get that close to me? I had to fight back the erg to punch him in the face.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asked from behind me.

Scott probably just saved David's pretty face from my fist because I instantly calmed down at his voice.

"No problem. Just asking Thana if she's ready for practice." He answered.

"Well maybe next time you can do it from a reasonable distance." Stiles added in when he finally reached us. He had Malias hand still in his.

"Oh come on guys. Were on the same wrestling team. She's going to have to get used to me touching her." He responded. His devilish smirk making its way back on his face.

I could see everyone in the group tense up. Not as much as Scott but still enough to show that they all actually cared about my wellbeing. I appreciated it but I did not need all of them to worry about me. I could take care of myself.

"Just because we are on the same team does not give you the rite to touch me whenever you want. So why don't you keep your hands and any other body part that may feel compelled to touch me to yourself. Infect the only I want you within a foot of me is on the mat." I told him sternly then started to walk over to the mat.

He just stood there with a look on his face like he could not believe what I just told him. It was as if he could not believe a girl would tell him not to touch her.

"Are you coming?" I called back to him.

His smile formed back on his face as he looked over to me. He quickly started jogging over to catch up.

We spent the rest of the class wrestling around. He was trying to teach me how to correctly pin an opponent but even though I would manage to pin him every time I did he would tell me that it was illegal. These rules were starting to drive me crazy. The only time I ever wrestled with someone was when my opponent was bigger than me and I need to take them down quick to make it out of the fight. The only time I ever did this was when I needed to hurt someone so bad they would not be getting up after me. Wrestling just for the hell of it was something different to me.

When class was over I started to make my way over to the water bench. I did not realize how thirsty I was until rite now. I grabbed a cup and quickly drank it. The cold water almost burned as it went down.

"You're getting better." A voice said from next to me.

I just rolled my eyes and looked over to David.

"It does not feel like it." I told him truthfully.

"It's true. You're picking it up fast. A lot faster than most of the guy. You just need to take the street out of your fight." He told me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked him annoyed.

"You wrestle like you fight. Like you're fighting for your life or something. Like you're trying to hurt someone. You just need to relax and wrestle. Don't worry about hurting someone before they hurt you. Its high school wrestling most of us have never even been in a real fight." He told me.

Was it that obvious that I was so used to having to fight for myself? That I was so untrusting that I was convinced everyone was trying to hurt me. All of the time. And how was it that David was the only one to notice this?

"Most of you?" I asked.

"Yes most of them." He said. Putting emphasis on the word them. Then he grabbed a cup of water drinking it and walking away.

Leaving me thinking about what he just told me.

"Looks like someone has a crush." Lydia said from behind me.

What is with every one sneaking up behind me in this town? No one does this to me in Boston.

I looked over to her smiling face.

"I do not have a crush on him." I said.

I almost laughed what she was telling be that


to me.

"I'm not talking about you." She said as she walked away from me.

Swaying her hips as if she was happy with herself to notice something I did not.

I really did not like that girl.

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