Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Once back inside I sat down at the bar and quickly eat a few slices of pizza. Five to be exact. Now that I thought about I do eat a lot. Especially for someone as skinny as me. I did not even know how I managed to still fit inside my size two jeans.

Once I was done I looked at the clock. About an hour has passed sense my dad left for diner with his ex. I did not know how long he would take so I figured I might was well go out for a smoke now. I did not want an FBI agent to be questioning me about how I bought cigarettes. I fully planned on keeping my fake id.

I went out on the back patio and sat on the floor sense there was no furniture out there. I made shore to shut the door behind me so the smell of smoke would not enter the house. I quickly packed, flipped my lucky cigarette and lit up another. I inhaled deeply and let the familiar sensation fill my lungs. I felt incredibly at ease as I exhaled the smoke back out of my mouth, making little rings of smoke as I did so. I sat there a few more minutes just enjoying my cigarette and the sky.

I had never seen this many stars before. You could barely see the stars in the sky in Boston there was way too many buildings and lights.

I looked past the fence at the end of my back yard and to the woods that covered the hills behind my new home. It was so pretty. I have never seen anything like it so much open space. But there was something about it that felt oddly familiar. Like that’s where I belonged. Out there in the woods. There was always something I did not like about the city that I could never place and this was it. There was no space there. No nature. Nature it was something I seemed to have missed that I did not even know I liked. It made me wonder if my family were the outdoors type. Maybe they used to take me camping or something. I desperately wished I could remember. All I had was this feeling that the woods was where I belonged. That had to be enough for now. Maybe the feeling would bring back memories if I just waited long enough.

I was brought out of my thoughts as a strange noise rang through the quite night air.

A wolf. I thought to myself.

Then another thought came to mind. How did I even know what a wolf sounded like?

I looked down at my cigarette and it was done. I decided it was time to go back inside especially if there was a wolf running around outside.

Once inside I cleaned up my mess and put my stuff back in my room. I grabbed my pjs. A pair of blue shorts and a white tang top and went to take a shower.

It felt so refreshing as the hot water ran down my skin. While I was showering  I herd the front door close. Knowing that my dad was home I decided to hurry up with my shower. I finished up and quickly got dressed not even bothering to dry my hair.

I let it rest on my back making my shirt all damp. I quickly brushed my hair and went out to meet my dad who was drinking a beer on the couch in the living room.

The second I walked in I could tell he was in a bad mood.

“How did it go?” I asked him even though I already knew the answer.

“Not good at all.” He said.

“Do you wana talk about it?” I asked.

“No. You should go to bed you have school in the morning.” He told me.

I did not want to start any trouble on my fist night here so I just did what he said. I did not bother to tell him that I was not tired. I never really was. I was actually somehow always more awake at night then I was during the day. It was like the night woke me up somehow. Like it energized me. My therapist told me I had insomnia. I was prescribed medicine for it. Medicine that I never took. It would knock me out for hours and I would have the worst nightmares. Nightmares about monsters men and women with claws and fangs. And there was fire always fire. The screams that would come from the fire still haunt me till this day even thinking about it know gave me chills. I only had these dreams when I would take the sleeping pills so I stopped. I never told anyone though because the doctor insisted that two hours a sleep a night is not enough.

So I went in my room and laid in my bed looking out the window at the moon. Knowing that sleep would not come easily.


A/N if you watched the video and was confused about what it had to do with this chapter its about Thana having to fake it with her father. He thinks everything is okay with her but its not. Shes scared to sleep because of nightmares (Thats just the least of her problems) and she fakes it around him so he does not worry. 

Quote from song

"Who's to know if your soul will fade at all. The one you sold to fool the world."

"Just fake it if you're out of direction. Fake it if you don't belong here."

"You should know that the lies won't hide your flaws."

"I can fake it with the best of 'em all. I can fake it with the best of anyone. I can fake it all."

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