Chapter 141

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"What the hell was so important you had to send Liam to my house to pick me up in the middle of the night and bring me here?" I asked Scott as he was frantically running around his room trying to change his closes.

"Styles and Lydia where held hostage at the hospital by that creepy man nurse when they went to ask questions about Meredith." He answered me as he pulled on a fresh shirt.

"Oh my god are they okay?" I asked as I looked around expecting them to poop out somewhere like they always do.

"Yeah, he was going to kill them but before he could Parrish showed up and shot him." He told me.

"Good, is he dead?" I asked.

"Yeah but that's not the why I had him bring you hear." He said to me.

"How can that not be why you needed me? What else happened?" I asked.

"They found out who the Benefactor is." He answered.

I wanted to smack him for not leading with that, and waiting this long to tell me.

"Who is it?" I asked him.

"Meredith." He answered.

"Meredith's dead." I reminded him.

"No she faked it. We need to go." He said as he looked at his phone then ran out of the room like nothing was wrong.

"Scott!" I called out after him.

"Kira found Brett, there's five of them." He said to Liam who was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.

"More assassins?" Liam asked.

"More, different." Scott answered.

"Different than the ones who tried to set us on fire?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. How about I take you home." He said to Liam who did not look happy with being cast aside.

"I'm not like you two." Liam responded as he looked down at his feet.

"Not yet." Scott told him as he placed his hand on his shoulder and tried to calm the young wolf.

"I don't mean I'm not strong, or will never learn control. Everything else. You're trying to protect everyone. Have you been doing this the howl time? How do you all stay alive?" He asked him and I could not help but think about David who was sitting in the hospital, brain dead rite now because of me.

"Not all of us are." Scott replied as he now looked to his feet and I knew he was talking about Alison.

Even though I never met her I heard about how much Scott had loved her.

"Let me at least take you home." Scott repeated.

We drove Liam home and then went to find Kira. I had no idea why I was being dragged along for this. Scott usually kept me far away from all drama. The only thing I could think off was he was trying to keep an eye on me now that Derek and I weren't really talking at the moment. I was still mad at him for lying to me about whatever he was hiding from me.

We pulled up to the vet and I could not help but wonder why Kira asked us to meet her here. Scott did not seem to care as he just missed his girlfriend that he had not seen in days. He ran right up to her and gave her a long kiss. One so long I had to clear my throat to break them up.

"Is your mom?" He asked but before he could finish Kira answered.

"Okay." She said.

"Are you okay?" He asked her as he continued to hold on to her like she was going to break.

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