Chapter 178

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Derek walked over to me and held out his hand. I quickly grabbed it needing to feel him. To make contact and know for sure that he was real. That he was really here. I could not help but gasp when our skin made contact.

I grabbed hold of him and he lifted me off the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Are you?" I responded not sure what was happening.

He had died. I had watched and felt him die.

"I'm better." He replied.

"Good," I answered as I wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a hug.

I did not care that he was standing there naked or that there were hunters everywhere. I just needed to hold him even if it was for only a little while.

We were only separated by Scott's roar coming from inside the temple.

"Shit," I mumbled as I pulled away from him.

"Go." He said to me.

"I don't want to," I told him.

"That's a lie. Go make sure your brother is okay. I'm going to find some clothes." He answered as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

I forced myself away from him and ran inside. Once in I found Scott and Peter exactly where I had left them. The two of them were still fighting. I had to fight the urge to intervene as I knew this was something Scott would want to do, no needed to do on his own.

At the moment Scott was lying flat on his back and Peter was running up to him. Scott wasted no time jumping up so he now faced Peter. Scott swung at him a few times and Peter easily blocked. As Scott had his arm up for another punch Peter reached in and punching him in the gut. Scott almost fell over from the blow. Now on his knees, Scott swiped his claws at Peters' knees. Peter was not ready for it and was unable to block him. He screamed out as his leg was gashed open and now both of them were on their knees. Still fighting as if there was nothing wrong.

Peter was fasted then Scott and permitted him sending him flying back through the air. He landed a few feet away and again I had to stop myself from getting involved.

Luckily I had underestimated Scott and instead of landing on his back he back flipped out of the attack and landed on his feet facing Peter once again.

Peter roared and then lunged at him annoyed by Scott's persistence.

Peter swiped at him repeatable but Scott easily blocked him. It was as if it was a completely different person fighting then who was fighting a few seconds ago.

Peter swung at him and Scott went under his arm as he flipped so he was unharmed and standing behind Peter. It took Peter a few seconds to find Scott and turn around giving Scott a slight advantage.

"Come on1" Peter yelled as he tried to taunt Scott.

Scott bought into it and lunged forward. Peter quickly grabbed him by the arm picking him up off the ground and flung him into the stone cold wall of the temple.

Scott fell to the floor and Peter wasted no time grabbing him by the collar and picking him up and throwing him into another wall.

"Fight!" Peter yelled as he ran over and grabbed hold of him again.

He grabbed him by the throat and slammed his head into a pillar breaking a piece of it off in the process.

Peter again tried throwing Scott into a wall but this time Scott was ready. When Peter tried to throw him he went with the momentum and kicked off the wall. Landing on his own two feet he used the Peters own force against him and threw him into the wall.

Peter feel onto his back and Scott wasted no time jumping at him punching him hard in the chest. He hit him again before picking him up. Scott and Peter struggled against each other until Peter head-butted him then smiled like the sick fuck he was. He then punched Scott in the face twice before Scott fell to his knees again.

"You're beneath me," Peter said to Scott as he circled him like a shark. "You're going to have to kill me!" Peter said to him as he flung him across the room like a rag doll.

At this moment Liam stepped out of the shadows to face Peter. Peter looked at him and grabbed a part of the wall and ripped it apart.

I guess now was the time for us to intervene.

Peter looked at Liam for a second and flung the wall at him. Liam was fast enough to duck out of the way luckily.

Peter started to make his way to Liam but stopped when he saw that Scott had gotten back to his feet.

Peter tried to attack Scott but it was no use. Scott was more focused now. He was focused on protecting his pack and no matter how much Peter tried he was unable to land any of his punches. He was throwing all his strength into his attacks and Scott was moving out of the way of them with ease.

Scott landed one punch to Peter and it was strong enough to send him flying back. He landed on a large rock table that was built out of the ground itself.

Scott jumped up on top of him and looked down at Peter who was struggling to get up.

"You were never an Alpha Peter." He said to him. "You were always a monster."

Peter tried one last time to get up but Scott quickly punched him in the face knocking him unconscious.

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