Chapter 181

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On way back home Scott drove with Stiles in his jeep with Kira's body. Even though he was not with us I could feel him. His sadness, his pain was so strong it overwhelmed me. I had to have Derek drive home. When we finally got home all I wanted was to crawl in bed but I knew I had to go with Scott when he brought Kira to her parents.

He would need me there.

Once we were in town lines I jumped in the car with them and Derek dropped everyone else off. It did not take long for me to realize this was going to be a disaster. The second we pulled up to Kira's house her parents ran out as if they were expecting us.

I was the first out of the car followed by Stiles. Scott stayed in the car a few seconds longer as he looked down at Kira. Tears still streaming down his face. I was not even aware there was that many tears in the human body.

"Where's Kira?" Her mom asked as she looked at the two of us.

I did not know what to say to her. How do you tell a mother her child is dead. I did not have to because a few seconds later Scott finally stepped out of the car with Kira still cradled in his arms.

The second her eyes landed on her daughter it was as if the world had shattered. She cried out, no more like screamed or wailed as she feels to her hands and knees. She had lost complete control of her body and was now just reacting to the fact that she would never see her daughter again. Mr. Y tried to comfort his wife as he wrapped his arms around her but he was just as a mess as her. The only difference was he was able to still stand on his own two feet.

The pain coming from them was like nothing I ever felt before. It was even worse than when my own soul shattered both times Derek died.

I could not imagine anything could hurt more than losing one's child.

"We need to get out of the street," Stiles said.

"Mr. Y nodded and helped his wife up as they carried her inside.

"Are you coming?" Stiles asked.

I nodded and followed after them.

Everything went by in a blur as Sheriff Sitelinks came and took the body away. I was not sure what they told him or how much time had passed I just sat there on the couch trying to block out her mother's pain.

I sat there looking at my feet trying to remember how to breathe. How not to feel but it was no use. I was aware that someone had sat down in front of me. It still took someone time for me to look up at who it was.

I was surprised, to say the least when I saw Ms. Y sitting there staring back at me. I looked at her for a few seconds.

"Do you need me to get someone for you?" I asked as I looked around to see it was just us in the room.

"No, I came to talk to you." She answered.

"Why?" I asked confused, we were not very close.

Not like she was to the others.

"Because you need to fix this." She said to me.

"I can't," I answered her.

"You can't or you won't?" She asked.

"I don't know how. Everyone keeps saying it's impossible." I told her.

"Do you believe them?" She asked calmly.

"No. I don't. I just think they're scared of what it will take. What it will do to me." I answered truthfully.

"Do you think it's worth it? To lose a little of yourself to save others?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered without even have to think about it.

"Then stop listening to everyone else and listen to what your instincts tell you. No one on this planet can do the things you can. If you feel like you can do something everyone is telling you, you can't don't listen to them. Figure it out." She said.

"How?" I asked.

"Let your blood be the key." She answered.

"If you want me to bring your daughter back stop speaking in riddles and tell me how to do it," I told her not meaning to sound so harsh.

"Bleed on the book. It will give you access to spells only for your eyes." She answered and then got up and walked out of the room.

I wanted to smack myself for not figuring it out on my own. Of course, all the real spells that I could not find would be hidden in some way. And what another way than by blood.

I wasted no time knowing I had to figure this out before her body actually started to decompose. I did not want to bring back a zombie. I wanted Kira.

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