Chapter 182

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I teleported myself to my room, not bothering to tell anyone where I was going. I not only did not have any time to waste, but I knew they would all try to stop me. Even though Kira was dead and I could bring her back, they would stop me. For some reason, all these monsters wanted to pretend like they're human. Pretend like killing was not precisely what they were meant to do. We are stronger, faster, better than the humans. I was not going to let them tell me we had to live by there laws. I'm a fucking queen. I make my own laws.

I pulled the chest out from under my bed and opened it to pull out the book of shadows. I opened it to no page in particular. I grabbed the knife I kept under my pillow and slit the palm of my hand. The blood started to pool, and I squeezed my fist as tight as I could to slow the bleeding as much as I could. I held my hand over the book and let my blood drip onto it. A few seconds later, the writing that was on the page disappeared and was replaced by writing forged from my blood. The only problem was it didn't seem to stop moving. The letters and symbols continued to flow all around, making it impossible to read anything.

I tried flipping through the pages hoping to find something, but every page was like the last.

"What the fuck I just need something to help Kira!" I yelled out in frustration as I slammed the book shut.

I took a few deep breaths before opening it back up, knowing I needed to figure this out fast. I opened it up to a random page to find a spell that I could read.

"Shit, it worked." I said as I started flipping through the pages to find two other spells.

I looked the three of them over to see they where exactly what I needed.

"This could work." I smiled as I grabbed a bag to shove the book into it before teleporting myself back to the morgue.

Before I could even take in my surroundings, there was a scream that came from behind me. I turned to see one very scared looking medical examiner. I held my hand up in front of me and closed it into a fist as I spoke "somnum." The lady instantly closed her eyes and fell to the floor. I walked over and slightly nudged her with my foot. She definitely would not be a problem for a while. I walked over to the slabs, where they kept the dead bodies and looked at the doors until I found her name. I pulled the draw out and pulled back the sheet just enough so I could see her face and the top of her chest.

I took a deep breath as I tried to steady my nerves before pulling out my book of shadows and placing it down on her stomach. I then pulled out my knife and pricked my pointer and middle finger. I used the blood that spilled forward to trace a pentagram directly in the middle of her forehead then repeated the same action over her heart. Before I could even say anything, a dull blue light encased her entire body.

"Good, that means its working." I thought to myself.

"With these pentagrams, I lay Protection here both night and day from the physical and time. And the one who should not touch let his fingers burn and twitch. I now invoke the law of three. This is my will, so mote it be!" I said I held my two hands over the pentagrams I had drawn.

The blue light began to shine bright, and I could feel an electrical charge coming off of it. I held my hands in place against the pain until it shot out and fried all the electronics in the room. I watched as her body absorbed the bloody pentagrams singling that the spell was over and successful. She would be safe for now. Her body was frozen in time, and no one would be able to touch her until I revoked this spell.

I pulled all my stuff back into my bag. There was only one more thing I needed, and it wasn't something I could fit in my bag.

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