Chapter 76 - Derek

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After the two of us continued to argue about her powers she finally got tired and fell asleep. I could not help but watch her as she slept. I know that most people will think that's weird but I just wanted to make shore she was okay. I was so worried that I would leave and something would happen to her. I had not told her everything about out our connection. I felt like it might all be too much. I could feel her pain. I had been able to ever sense she got shot.

The adrenalin of it all had kept me moving. Getting her help kept me moving. But now that she was here and safe and I had nothing to do but watch her I was feeling it all and it sucked. I was used to pain but not constant pain. I would get hurt and I would heal but her lingering human pain was something I was not used to.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Thana cleared her throat causing me to jump right out of my chair.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked me.

"I'm protecting my witch. Got a lot riding on you." I told her.

"But I'm not a witch anymore. Remember." She said to me.

Before I could answer there was a knock on the door. We turned to see Miss. McCall walk into the room.

"Derek I think there's someone here you have been trying to find." She said to me.

She stepped out of the way and in walked Satomi. I had to say I was surprised that she was hear. She simply said that she had something to show us. I started to follow him but Thana would not let us leave her behind.. Even though we all pleaded with her to just rest. But it was Thana and she refused.

So she was sitting in the wheel chair that I was pushing down the hall after Satomi so she could show us a dead body. When we got to the morgue we were looking at a dead male who was covered in blood and his vanes where black and visible.

"It's a variant of canine distemper. An outbreak at yellow stone killed 40% of the wolf population." Deaton told us.

"What's it going to do to our wolf population?" Miss. McCall asked.

"Well it's been altered to infect faster." He answered.

"You mean it's been weaponized." I corrected him.

"It killed my entire pack." Satomi told us.

"Everyone but you. That's the real question. Did you not get infected or are you immune?" Deaton asked her.

"If she's immune then we can find a cure. Because I have a brother and a cousin in that school." Thana said to Deaton.

"Cousin?" Miss. McCall asked confused.

"Malia. Keep up." Thana replied to her.

"If your pack was infected who was doing all the shooting?" I asked changing the subject before Miss. McCall and Thana could get into a fight.

"Apparently another assassin." Satomi answered. "Personally I would rather face a gun then a variant of small pox."

"I think you're going to get plenty of chances." Miss. McCall told her.

I looked over to Satomi to find her staring at me.

"Sorry." She said when she saw that I noticed.

"Just noticed how much you remind me of Talia. I used to visit her a lot. Do you remember me?" She asked me.

"I remember the tea." I answered honestly. "You always brought the tea that smelt terrible."

"I brought that tea as a gift. Your mothers loved it." She said to both Thana and I.

"What kind of tea?" Deaton asked.

"What?" Satomi asked confused.

"The tea what kind was it?" He asked again.

"Wild purple rishi. It's very rare." She told him.

"It's also a very powerful flock remedy for sickness. You didn't get infected because you are inoculated." He told her.

"Okay okay. How rare is it? Can you find it?" Miss. McCall asked them.

"I have some." I told them.

"You do?" Thana asked.

"My mother kept some of it. It's in our vault." I told her.

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