Chapter 145 - Scott's POV

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I had to leave the vet clinic when Mr. Stilinski called about some emergency. He gave me the address to a where I did not know. He said someone was attacked and wanted my opinion on if this was supernatural or not. Kira decided to come with me. Deaton and Liam stayed behind with Satomi's pack.

When we pulled up to the address at first I was not sure if we were in the right place. All I could see was a large gate a little shack. This was obviously some where I did not belong.

"He called you two." Peter said as he appeared from a bush scaring the shit out of me.

"Yeah. Why did he call you?" I asked annoyed that he was hear.

He said he was trying to help us but I still did not trust him. I don't think I will ever be able to trust him. No matter how much Thana or Malia wants me to.

"I guess he wanted a real opinion." He said as he pushed open the gate.

"It's unlocked." He told me as he walked in.

We reached the front of the house to see that it was surrounded by almost the entire police force and every first responder I could think off.

"Scott, great you made it." Mr. Stilinski said when he saw me.

"Of course. What's going on I thought you said someone was attacked?" I asked him.

This did not look like an attack there was way too many first responders and only one man who looked like a security guard being treated. But he did not look like he was attacked by anything. More like he hit his head falling down the stairs.

"The bodies are inside. Maybe Kira should wait out here." He said to me.

"I can help." She said as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

I could not blame her, he had said body's not body. I was starting to get used to finding dead body's but this was all still knew to her.

"Okay. Have any of you talked to Derek?" He asked.

"No." I answered.

"You?" He asked Peter.

"Last time I talked to him was a few hours ago. He went to talk to Thana." Peter answered.

"Why?" I asked just now remembering he was with my sister.

"He's just not answering." Sheriff Stilinski said. "Let's get going. Just so your prepared it's a mess in there." He let us know.

He lead us into the house and we got our fair share of weird looks as he led two teen agers and Peter past them to a crime scene.

"Hurry, before your dad gets here." He said as he pushed us forward.

We reached a large door and he motioned for us to go in there. But I was stopped in my tracks. There was a pile of dead security guards blocking the way. They were racked with bullet holes but that was not the worst of it. They were dried out. Like if a breeze came in they would turn into dust.

"You're going to need to step over." He told us.

We did as he told us and stepped into the room. Lying on two couches in front of us where two more dead bodies. The difference was their necks seemed to be ripped open.

"What did this?" Kira asked as she looked around.

"We were hoping you could tell us." Parrish said as he walked into the room.

I looked over to Peter who was walking around the room wide eyed but silent which made me worry even more.

"Peter." I called out to him.

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