183 Scotts POV

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"Any luck finding Thana?" Stiles asked the second Derek walked into the room.

"No, Stiles. If I knew where she was, we would be going to get her." Derek snapped back at him.

"Well, she couldn't have just disappeared. Someone has to know where she is." Malia said.

It had been three days since she cast some protection on Kira's body and disappeared. Trying to explain why her body could not be touched was not an easy task. At first, we wanted to move her. Saying her parents wanted to bury her quickly for religious reasons, but we soon found out the body can't be moved. So, Kira is still at the morgue with a fake quarantine order on her.

"She doesn't want to be found." I mumbled.

"What is she doing?" Liam asked.

"Trying to save Kira." Isaac answered.

"Kira is dead. She can't be saved." I reminded the group.

"Thana seems to think otherwise." Malia snapped at me.

"Why are you always defending her?" I yelled at Malia.

"Because no one else is. She is the only one who is willing to do what needs to be done and everyone is giving her shit because of it. Who cares if she killed assassins who are trying to kill us? Who cares if she killed two incubi to save her friends? She did those things to keep us safe!" She yelled at all of us.

"Malia, it's not that simple." Derrick said as he tried to calm her.

"Yes, it is." She said before she stormed out.

"Maybe she's right. Maybe we should just let Thana do whatever she's doing. I mean, if it will bring Kira back, isn't it worth it?" Liam asked.

"Because it's wrong." Lydia told him.

A silence fell over the group that was quickly broken by the sound of someone's phone ringing. We all looked down at our phones.

"Its mine." Lydia said. "Its Parrish." She told us.

She quickly answered the phone. We all stayed quiet, waiting to hear what he had to say. Shariff Stilinski had stationed outside the morgue to make sure no one tried to move Kira. After the longest ten seconds of my life, Lydia hung up the phone and looked directly at me.

"She's back." She told me. "She's at the morgue."

Everyone seemed frozen, trying to figure out what to do.

"Are we going to stop her or help her?" Liam asked.

Before I could answer him, Derek ran out of the door. Seconds later, we could hear his car speed off down the road.

"Maybe he just really missed her." Isaac said as we all headed out to confront my sister.

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