Chapter 129 - Scott's POV

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I pulled myself up from where I had just been thrown in enough time to see the witch magically grab Lydia who must have been down the stairs because I did not even see her and throw her down the opposite hall from me. I ran forward and tried to tackle the witch whose back was to me.

She quickly spun around like she could sense me coming and with the flick of her fingers sent me flying. I landed next to Lydia who was unconscious on the floor. I checked to make sure she was breathing and she was so I scooped her up and ran into a class room where I laid her down on the floor. I walked out shutting the door behind me and breaking the doorknob. Not that it would keep the witch out but at least it would keep Lydia in and away from the fight.

I looked back at the witch who looked to be around my age as she smiled at me. I threw the doorknob at her and she raised her hand to block it and when she did I grabbed the fire extinguisher that was next to me and sprayed it in her direction blinding her. I quickly ran through the smoke and kicked her in the chest sending her flying down the hall. I could hear Kira and Thana arguing at the bottom of the stairs of course Thana would want to come back and try to help Lydia.

I ran over to the top of the stairs to see them at the bottom. Thana was bleeding, her lip was cracked open and her face was bruised.

"GO!" I yelled at them.

I then looked to see the witch was getting up and ran in her direction. I took a swipe at her but my fist was met with an invisible wall. I could hear my hand break against it. I grabbed my hand as I yelled out. I looked back up to her and she was standing right in front of me. I tried to swing at her with my other arm but I was frozen in mid swing. I looked back to her and she smiled before she snapped my arm with her mind. I screamed out as I fell to my knees and she kicked me in the chest. Before I could even catch my breath I was flung into the roof then the wall. I hit my head and my vision started to blur but I knew if I gave up we would all die in here. So I pushed myself up.

"You just don't know when to give up." She said to me. "I like that, at least you're not boring." She said to me as she grabbed hold of my neck.

I struggled to get away from her but she was to strong and I could not break free.

"Scott get down!" A voice yelled from behind me.

I moved as much as I could and bit down on to her hand causing her to yell as she pulled away from me. I then quickly rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the bullets that were now flying towards her.

I looked over to see Chris and Mr. Stilinski standing at the other end of the hall shooting at her and a wave of relief spread threw me. I looked back expecting to see a dead witch but instead she stood there with her hand out and all the bullets were floating in front of her. The hall had become quite as they had to reload.

"Get down!" I yelled when I realized what she was going to do.

With a flick of her wrist all the bullets went flying back in the direction they had come. I watched in horror as Chris talked Mr. Stilinski to the ground. I could not tell if they were hit or not as they now took cover in an empty class room.

I looked back at her and tried to get up from the ground I was still kneeling on.

"Sorry, I'm here for your sister. I need to get to your sister before the potion wears off." She said as she lifted her foot before bringing it down on my face.

I felt my jaw break as she made contact and bounced off the hard floor. I reached out trying to grab her ankle but could not move my body in any way. I had failed I could just only hope Chris and Mr. Stilinski would be able to stop her.

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