Chapter 120

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After the shower that thankfully Derek decided to join in on I felt great. That was until I realized I did not have anything to change into.

"I have something you can wear." Derek said to me as he noticed me looking around as I gripped my towel tightly.

"I don't want to wear any of your crazy ex-girlfriends clothes." I told him.

He laughed at me which made me a little angry.

"There my sisters." He answered.

"Oh." I said embarrassed.

He walked away for a second before coming back with a bundle of clean clothes. I pulled on the sweatpants and tang top that he gave me. Thankfully I had pulled my clothes on as quickly as I did because seconds later Scott, Lydia, and Parrish walked in the loft.

Apparently Parrish had been set on fire. We had another clue as what he was. He told us the story and Derek looked him over.

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone." Parrish said as he looked over his own body.

"Not when you're like us." Scott told him.

"What is he?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Derek answered.

"Isn't this your field?" Scott asked Derek.

"This is a little out of my league. There may be something in the bestiary." Derek told him.

"I don't know where it is." Scott answered.

"What is a bestiary?" Parrish asked.

"I can look in the Book off Shadows." I added wanting any excuse to help.

"Actually that's not even my first question. How did this even happen?" He asked.

"You were probably born this way." Scott told him.

"How could I be born, but not have known?" He asked.

"Well I mean I was born a witch but had no idea until a week ago." I told him.

"I was also born a Banshee and did not find out until a few months ago." Lydia told him.

"How did it happen?" He asked her.

"Peter bit me. I did not turn like them. He just woke me up. Sometimes a stressful situation can trigger the change." She told him.

I looked over to Scott who had been quite for a while to see he was looking around the room. I was trying to figure out what he was looking for because he was completely ignoring the conversation. That was until his eyes landed on my shirt that was behind the couch. I thought I had picked everything up but apparently I missed one important piece of clothing. His face quickly became more serious as he looked over to me to see I was not wearing my clothes. He stood up like he was going to say something when Parrish asked what the dead pool was.

"Everyone like us, with some kind of supernatural ability is on the dead pool." Scott told him.

"But I don't even know what I am." Parrish answered.

"I'm pretty sure they don't care." Derek answered completely unaware that Scott was staring daggers at him.

"How many professional assassins are we talking about?" He asked.

"Where starting to loose count." Lydia told him.

"I killed three." I told them causing Derek to become tense, Scott to roll his eyes and Lydia and Parrish to look shocked.

"What?" She asked.

"Did Scott not tell you?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"Well last night at the hotel I was attacked. I'm fine Peter helped but before we could kill them they shot David he's in the hospital." I told her.

"So that's what that was." She said. "I knew something bad happened but I could not identify the person it happened to. It must be because I really don't know David." She said.

"How would that work? I thought you only sensed your pack." Parrish asked.

"Maybe it's because Thana's so close to him. What do you think Derek?" Scott asked.

"That makes sense." Derek answered confused by the anger in Scott's voice.

"But I don't think it's still just professionals." Scott said.

"I don't think Hanks ever tried this before. I think he was taking a chance with me." Parrish told us.

"Well if anyone with the list can kill us where in more trouble than we thought." Derek said.

I could not help but think for a split second about how Jared's name was on that list. He was worth five million dollars. If anyone could collect the money why not me? I quickly pushed the idea out of my mind as I paid attention to what was going on.

"If Hank hand it then who else does?" Parrish asked. "How easy is it to get this thing?"

We all looked at each other not really knowing. When they added me to the list it magically got sent to Liam's printer. I guess anything was possible.

"How'd your grandmother know Meredith?" Derek asked Lydia.

"She didn't. She found her with another women named Maddie. The women she loved." Lydia told him.

She pulled out a picture form her purse and handed it to Scott.

"How did she die?" Parrish asked.

"In a storm but what happened right before. My grandmother she was working she started hearing a sound. Like rain when she looked out the windows all she saw was blue skies. It kept getting louder. Than thunder, so loud she finally just screamed." She told us.

"Like a Banshee?" Derek asked.

"She called Maddie but she said the sun was shining there to." Lydia went on.

"There was an accident?" Parrish asked and she shook her head yes.

"It took them four days to find her body. Then it took decades to figure out how my grandmother knew. She found scientists they built the studio in the lake house. Nothing worked. She started to look for mediums, psychics, all feelers. Then they found Meredith. They brought her to the study and almost killed her. She was hospitalized for over a year. She never recovered. My grandmother drover her insane, and I drove her to suicide. All she wanted to do was help. My grandmother created the code for the dead pool. She left me this message in the same code." She said as she showed us a paper with nonsense on it that obviously Lydia could read.

We talked for about another hour answering all Parrish's questions as best we could until him and Lydia left.

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