Chapter 151

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I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and knocked on the door not wanting to use the key he gave me and just barge in. I could hear movement on the other side of the door as someone was moving around inside.

"Who is it?" He asked which was something I have never seen him do before.

"It's Thana." I answered.

There was no response, I just stood there in silence as I waited for him to answer.

"Can you let me in?" I asked.

But he didn't he just stood on the other side of the door silent.

"Please? I need to talk to you." I begged him.

"What do you want Thana?" He asked coldly.

"I want you to open the god dam door!" I yelled as I became filled with rage at the fact that he was treating me like I was a threat to him.

Half a second after the words left my mouth his door shot open with such force it splintered and came off the hinges flying forward into his loft.

"Shit." I said as I walked in to see that he had been thrown half way across the room when the door hit him.

I ran over to him and tried to help him up but he pulled his arm out of mine and stood up on his own.

"Stay the hell away from me." He said to me as he grabbed his ribs.

"I'm sorry I did not mean to do that. I just wanted to come in and it happened." I told him as I took a step towards him and he took a step back.

He was scared of me, and I think that hurt most of all. He was supposed to love me.

"You know I would never hurt you? Right?" I asked.

"You just did." He answered as he walked into his kitchen to get an ice pack.

"But that was an accident. I didn't mean it." I said to him as I started to cry not being able to hold in my tears any longer.

"Exactly!" He yelled at me. "This is exactly what I told you would happen if you were not careful! But you did not want to listen. You went off and did whatever you wanted! And now you're completely out of control. You are not prepared to have that much power!" He yelled at me.

"I did it to save my friends!" I yelled back at him.

"Because you're selfish. It sucks what happened to them but people die. It happens, its part of life. You can't go around bringing people back from the dead because you can. If you were trained by your mother you would know that." He said to me.

I know he was trying to make a point but all I could focus on the fact that he said bring someone back from the dead. They were hurt bad but no one was dead. Was that something I could do? I thought but knew not to ask.

"But I wasn't! Because she's dead, there all dead. I have never had a family, friends, or somewhere where I belonged. So sorry if me not wanting to lose that so soon after I found it makes me selfish." I said to him as even more tears started to fall down my face.

For a second I could see sympathy on his face. It was just a glimpse, but for a second it was clear that he still cared. But then it was gone.

"You can't go around killing people." He told me in a softer town.

"I know, but he was a bad person, no incubus. The world is better without them." I told him still trying to defend myself.

"God you sound like Peter." He said.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked him.

"Yes, he's a complete psychopath." He answered.

"I think he's all right." I told him.

"You would." He responded as he looked away from me.

"Look I grew up in a world where no one cared about me. If there was a problem I had to take care of it myself because no one was going to help me. If someone wanted to hurt me, they hurt me and no one would even look in my direction. If I was still in Boston these assassins could kill me and no one would care. No one would look for answers, I had no one. I don't know how to do this. To be around people. To have people care about me. All I know is if I see a threat I have to get rid of it because no one else will. I know that's not the case here but I can't help it. I'm sorry if you hate me now but I can't change how I see the world." I told him.

He looked up at me with a confused look on his face.

"I don't hate you." He answered.

"You don't?" I asked as I smiled for the first time in days.

"I could never hate you. I hate myself for falling you." He said to me.

"Derek you did not fail me." I said as I walked over to him and this time he did not walk away from me.

"You saved me. I could not have survived much longer in my old life." I told him and I meant it.

Before I came here and met him and my family. Before meeting him made me remember who I really was I was an empty shell of a person and I had no idea why. I always felt different and like I did not belong. No matter how much I tried to fit in and be happy I never could. I always knew something was missing. I just never even thought the reason I always felt so alone was because what I was missing was a person. Where these people.

"I don't know what to do to help you." He said to me and it looked like he was trying to hold back tears himself.

"Just don't give up on me." I told him.

"It's kinda hard to do that when my entire purpose in life is to protect you." He answered.

I stood there wanting nothing more than to wrap my arms around him but it was clear he was not ready for that. I looked behind him and saw a half empty bottle of wine that he must have been drinking. I went and grabbed it and took a sip of it.

"To no longer being alone." I said as I took another sip then handed it to him and I could not help but smile when he took it from me and drank as well.

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