Chapter 111

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"She's getting dressed." David answered with sarcasm laced in his voice.

I could not help but face palm as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Move." I heard Derek say and David yell just as I walked out of the bathroom.

Once out I saw Derek was already in the room looking around for me and David stood there looking like he was going to explode.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked Derek causing him to turn around and look at me.

"Derek?" David asked as he took a step closer to me.

I looked from him to Derek to see his fists were clutched.

"Is this the creepy Derek who has been following you around?" David asked.

"Creepy." Derek repeated as if he was hurt by the words.

"Yes, but that was before I actually talked to him." I said to David before turning back to Derek. "I don't think you're creepy anymore." I told him.

"What the hell is he doing here?" David asked me.

"I don't know." I answered before looking back to Derek.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in a much nicer tone then David.

"Scott sent me." He answered.

"Of course he did." I mumbled.

"Why the hell would your brother send him?" David asked me.

"There friends." I told him.

"Derek everything's fine. I will tell you just like I told Scott. I have it all under control. I don't need you guys to protect me." I told him.

"Were just trying to keep you safe." He said as he reached out and grabbed hold of my hand.

I could not help but respond to his touch. It was involuntary. Then I remembered that David was in the room and pulled out of his grasp.

"I don't need your protection." I told him knowing it was not true but I needed everyone to know I did not need them worrying about me all the time.

I looked back to see David who did not look pleased. He actually looked like he was going to punch him.

Before anything could escalate any further Derek's phone started to ring.

"Are you going to take that?" I asked smiling knowing that he had to have bought a new phone.

"Why are you smiling?" David asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

Derek quickly answered his phone. Almost instantly his facial expression changed. It was easy to realize something was wrong. I could not help but stand there holding my breath until he hung up the phone.

"Derek what is it?" I asked him.

"It's Scott, I need to go." He said even though he did not move.

I walked up to him and grabbed hold of his hands. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. It was obvious he did not want to go.

"Derek you need to go." I told him.

"I know." He said.

I walked him over to the door and before he left her turned back and planted a quick kiss on my lips before leaving.

I stood there in the door way staring after him for a few seconds before shutting the door and going back into my room. When I did I was met by an angry David who was standing there with his arms crossed.

"What?" I asked him.

"So when you said you were not ready for a boyfriend. That you wanted to wait, and focus on making friends that was a lie. What you really meant was you just did not want me to be your boyfriend." He snapped at me.

"Hey that's not fair. I meant what I said, when I said it. And Derek and I was not something I planned. It latterly just happened last night. And he's not my boyfriend." I yelled back.

"It sure looks that way. When did he go from being the creep who was stalking you to that?" He asked as he motioned to the door.

"I don't know how about somewhere in between him saving my life when I got shot and taken a bullet for me the other night!" I snapped back.

"Wait you were shot at again?" He asked all anger leaving his voice.

"Yeah." I answered realizing that no one really knew about that.

"When?" He asked.

"Two nights ago." I answered.

"Why? What the hell happened?" He asked me.

"It's not important, I'm fine." I told him but he did not believe me.

"Is that how you got the busted lip?" He asked.

"No, that was Jared. You can say I told you so if you want." I told him.

"He did that to you?" He asked threw ground teeth.

"Yeah but you don't need to worry about it. Derek already broke his arm." I told him and he instantly became angry again at his name.

"Well then it looks like Derek has everything covered. I'm going to go eat." He said before storming out of the room not giving me a second to respond.

I could not help but stand there and wonder why everything in my life had to become a problem.

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