Chapter 159

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I walked away from them and just kept on walking. I did not know where I was going, I just needed to get away from them. I was so angry. I was willing to sacrifice myself to save them, and instead of letting me do that they bring me back to try to live this half broken existence.

It wasn't until I stood in front of a twenty four hour liquor store. I stood outside staring at the neon sign. A chill in the air caused my entire body to be covered in goosebumps. The cold air was eventually what pushed me inside.

I walked through the door causing the little bell above the door chime.

"Can I help you?" The plump man asked before he even looked up from his magazine.

I didn't answer him as I just wanted to be left alone.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" The man asked once he looked up at me.

His eyes were wide like saucers. He stood up from his seat and reached for his phone. I looked down to my clothes for the first time to see they were tattered and covered with blood. I must look like I had been attacked. I looked back to him to see he was dialing someone.

"Drop it." I commanded him.

He did what I said as he looked at me scared by what just happened. I walked over to the wall of vodka bottles and grabbed the first one I could reach. I did not care what it was I just need a drink.

"Hey you can't take that." He said to me as he reached for the alarm button under the counter he thought I did know was there.

"Don't move." I said to him and he froze with his hand inches away from the button.

"What did you do to me?" He asked me as he looked like was going to piss his pants.

I walked over to the counter and grabbed hold of his phone and crushed it in my hand. I watched the pained look on his face as he realized I could probably do the same thing to him.

"I'm taking this and you're not going to do anything about it. If you call the cops I will come back for you." I told him.

He did not answer but it was clear form the look on his face that he understood. I started to walk out the door when I felt something dripping down my face. I stopped for a second to look at my reflection in the glass door to see that I had a nose bleed. I wiped the blood from my face and tried to remember the last time I had a bloody nose and I could not think of one instance.

I pushed opened the door and walked outside as I screwed off the cap of the bottle off. I took a large gulp of the drink and instead of a burning sensation in my throat there was a stabbing pain in my head. I dropped the cap and grabbed my head. As quickly as the pain came it was gone. I brushed it off and took another gulp before walking off. Again I just walked not heading in any direction in particular. I continued to drink as I walked getting a few weird looks from people as I did. Lots of people noticed me but no one bothered to come over or say anything to me.

I was more than half way done with the bottle when I bumped into someone dropping my bottle and spilling the rest of my drink. All I could do was look at the clear liquid spill all over the ground.

"What the hell!" The voice yelled causing me to look up at the man who was standing in front of me.

I looked up at him and tried to walk around him not having the energy to argue with him.

"Hey where the hell are you going? You spilled that shit all over me. Who's going to pay to get this cleaned? The jackets dry-clean only." He said to me.

"Not my problem." I said as I again tried to walk around him.

"I don't think so, maybe if you weren't such a drunken bum you would have seen me." He yelled as he grabbed hold of my arm trying to hold me in place.

"Let go of my arm." I said to him.

"How old are you thirteen?" He asked me.

"Let go." I said again.

"No, you're coming with me where going to find a cop." He said as he tried to drag me forward.

I refused to move and he almost fell back into me when he was surprised by the fact that he could not get me to move.

"I said let go!" I yelled at him and he went flying away from me.

He landed in the street a few feet away and just half a second latera truck hit him. It all happened so fast the driver did not even have time to try and slow down. He full on ran the guy over and only screeched to a halt after both sets of tires crushed him.

"Shit!" I yelled out as I turned and quickly ran away.

I had wanted him to let go of me but I did not mean to actually hurt him. I just wanted him to go away, but he just made me so angry. I ran until I could not run any more. I stopped and tried to catch my breath. When I couldn't I actually started to puke. I did not know if it was from the liquor or the fact that I was unable to calm down. Once I stopped I looked at the puddle of crap that had just came out of my mouth and noticed that it was filled with blood. I wiped my mouth and could not help but stair at the blood that was on my hand.

"What the fuck is happening to me?" I asked myself.

Then to make things worse it started to rain. I looked up at the sky like I was trying to ask it why you hate me. That's when I noticed where I was. I was standing in the town square. I was looking up at the town clock tower. The one my family had built. The family who every one forgot. As they will forget me when I'm gone. I will die and it will be sad but in a few years no one would even care that I was gone. Instead of letting me die to save them. If they would have just let it be and everything would be okay. They would be safe, Derek would be alive, and that man who got ran over would not be one with the road.

I looked up at the clock tower knowing that this was one of the oldest and tallest building in town. Before I even knew that my legs were moving I was walking towards the building. I was halfway up the tower when I decided what I was going to do. I was going to jump. The world would be better off without me. Sure Scott, and dad would be sad but they lived this long without me they would manage. At least this way I would not be able to hurt anyone, ever again.

I got up to the top of the clock tower and looked around until I found the roof access. I climbed up the ladder and pushed the hatch open and climbed upon the ledge off the rood. I stood out on the ledge and looked out at the lights from the town. I couldn't help but wonder how in a town of so many people I could all of a sudden feel so alone.

I closed my eyes and took and deep breathe of air before stepping off the ledge. I fell through the cold night air for a few seconds before colliding with something that was not the ground. I opened my eyes to see I was in Isaacs arms. I looked up into his blue eyes that looked so worried.

As I looked at him I knew they would never let me die. For some reason that hurt more. After everything I have been threw I just wanted it to end.

"Why?" I asked as I collapsed into him.

I completely broke down. Tears and snot spilled down my face. I could no longer hold in and tried to hide all that pain. I had released it when I stepped off the roof. Isaac did not protest or try to push me away. He did not try to comfort me with fake words or make believe bullshit that would all be okay. He just held me and let me break in his arms.

"Holy shit Thana you're bleeding." He said after some time.

I pulled away from him to see that there was a big pool of blood forming on his chest. He tried to place me down on my own feet. I completely lost my balance and fell. Isaac caught me right before I hit the ground.

"Yeah okay, I'm taking you to the hospital." He said before scooping me up and running down the street.

Something was wrong with me. I had never felt so week before. Maybe I was drying, I felt like I was dying. I wanted to tell him to put me down. To just let me die but I did not have the energy. Plus I knew he would not listen. Instead I just stopped fighting and paced out in his arms.

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