Twenty Eight

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I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the lunch bell ringing. Singling that lunch was now over.

The four of us got up and emptied our trays.

"See yah later." Izzy yelled out as she walked in the opposite direction from me.

I made my way slowly to gym not really wanting to get there. I would be stuck in gym with a bunch of hormonal teen age wrestlers who did not want a girl on their team. Even worse than that I would be stuck in a class with Scott and his friends.

I started down the hall I was almost to the locker room doors when Scott caught up to me.

"Why did you not sit with us at lunch?" He asked.

"Maybe I don't like being lied to." I told him.

"Why were your friends talking about us?" He asked.

I quickly stopped walking and looked right at him.

"How did you know they were talking about you? You were all the way at the other end of the lunch room."

He seemed to be thinking through what it was he wanted to say. Stumbling mentally over his own thoughts.

"It was obvious." Stiles chimed in finally catching up to the two of us.

"Your friend Stella. She pointed rite at us." Lydia said adding to the conversation.

"So what where they saying?" Scott asked again.

"Basically the same thing you told me about them. That they think you're weird." I told them with a smile then started walking again.

"Us weird. Why would they say that?" Kira huffed out at lighting fast speed.

"Maybe because we are?" Malia added like the answer to her question was obvious.

I just smiled at her.

"We are not weird." Lydia protested.

"Says the girl whose hobby it is finding dead bodies." I told her.

"What? What?" She asked. "They know about that?" She asked confirming that it is the truth.

Sorry to burst your bubble Lydia. Everyone knows about that. People think you're a crazy killer and Stiles dad is covering for you because you dragged him and Scott into your craziness." I told her.

She just huffed and stomped off.

"Me drag Scott and Stiles into craziness." She said under her breath as she walked away.

I could not help but laugh.

"She makes it way too easy to work her up." I said as we continued to class.

A few seconds later we were in front of the locker room doors and the girls separated from the guys. This was the first I noticed that Liam was with the group. He must been there for the hole conversation but just remained silent.

I gave him a half smile and a quick nod before walking into the girl's locker room.

I went to my locker and quickly changed then I remembered that I wanted to talk to Malia. I guess now was as good a time as any.

"Malia." I yelled out. "I need to talk to you about something."

She stepped out from behind the citron separating us. She had changed into her shorts but stood there completely topless. She did not even have a bra on.

"Well if you need to talk of course it would be about something." She responded to me as she pulled her shirt on over her head.

Well I guess I'm not the only one who does not mind being naked.

"Well you know how Scott, Stiles, and I spent the night looking through my family's polices records?" I asked her.

"Yes what's the point? Are you going to tell me something? Or just ask me questions you already know the answer to?" She asked me.

"Well I was looking through it and found out that all of my family disappeared. All accept one lady. My aunt. She was not living in the house during the time of the disappearance she was living with her family."

"Your point." She said.

"My point being she lived with her husband and two daughter's. Her name was Mrs. Tate." I told her.

She looked at me for a minute as if she was going to laugh but then realized I was being serious.

"You're talking about my mom aren't you?" She asked me.

"Yes." I answered.

"So your mom and my mom were sisters?" She asked again it seemed that it had finally clicked for her.

"It looks that way." I told her.

She looked at me as if she was trying to pin point something in me. Something that would tell her if I was telling the truth or not.

I guess she accepted my explanation because in a flash she was standing in front of me with her arms wrapped around me. She was holding me in a strong hug. Her chin rested on my shoulder.

"I have never had a cousin." She told me before letting me go.

"So you're not mad?" I ask as she released me.

"Why would I be mad?" Asked with a smile plastered on her face. "I don't have much family. Just me and my dad. I know it's the same with you. All you have is Scott and your dad. But now we have each other." She said as she finally fully released me.

"And the pack gets a little but bigger." She said as she turned and jogged out of the locker room.

Leaving me standing there wondering what was wrong with that girl. I did not dwell on it for too long. She was rite the two off us had enough combined family to count on one hand. But now we had each other. 

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