Chapter 119

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After so much walking that my feet started to hurt I found myself at Dereks. I took the elevator up to his loft and was not surprised to find him up there working out shirtless. I stood there for a moment wondering if I should step out of the elevator or just retreat and pretend like I was not there. Before I could make decision he saw me standing there and stopped what he was doing and ran over to me.

When he reached me he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I wanted to tell him to let me go. He was sweaty and gross, but I could not find my voice. It was like my brain wanted one thing but my body just wanted to melt into him and forget about the world.

"I thought you might be dead." He whispered as he still held me close.

I could feel his breath on my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Unfortunately not." I answered.

He became still for a second before pulling away from me. He still held on to my arms as he looked at me confused.

"Why would you say that?" He asked me.

"What's the point Derek?" I asked him.

"The point of what?" He asked confused.

"Living. What's the point of living when you can't even protect the people you care about?" I asked as I held back the tears that had been trying to break through for hours.

"You can't think like that. We can't save everyone." He said to me.

"You can't but I should be able to. You say I have great power but what's the point of having all this power if I can't even save the one person who has nothing to do with this?" I yelled at him.

I could not hold it in anymore and I started cry. He grabbed me again and pulled me back into his chest. I cried against him for what felt like forever as he rubbed circles on my back. I pulled away from him and wiped the remainder of the tears from my face.

"I need you to teach me." I said to him. "I need to know how to control this so no one else dies."

"We don't have to do this now. You need rest." He told me.

"I do not need rest! I need to learn what the hell I'm doing!" I yelled at him.

"You're still hurt, plus I know you got stabbed last night. I could feel it." He answered.

"But that's the thing. I'm fine. Look." I said to him as I lifted up my shirt.

He looked me over seeing that my bullet wound was gone. He then quickly spun me around to look at my shoulder. He turned me back to look at him and finally noticed that my face was also healed.

"You touched blood." He said as he let go of me.

"Well I was kinda covered in it." I answered finally realizing what that tingling feeling was.

It was the blood healing me, making me stronger.

"You need to be careful. Especially if you don't know what you're doing. Blood magic is dangerous." He said.

It was obvious he was extremely worried but I could not understand why. If this magic could heal me and make me stronger how could it be dangerous? If I just knew what I was doing I could help. I could save us all.

"Fine. I'll help." He answered knowing that if he did not help I could just figure it out on my own.

"Thank you." I answered.

"First you need you master your basic powers before we move onto the more difficult ones." He told me.

I wanted to argue with him and tell him no. The more dangerous the better but I knew he was rite.

"Fine." I answered. "Were do we start?" I asked.

"Telekinesis." He answered. "All witches have it. It's the most basic of powers but can be very useful."

"Okay so how are we doing this?" I asked.

"I'm going to attack you and you will fight back." He answered.

"You realize without your supper strength I can kick your ass?" I asked him.

"Except you're not going to fight me. You can only use your powers. You're not human anymore you're a witch. Start acting like one." He said to me.

Before I knew what was happening he had used his leg to swipe mine and I fell to the ground.

"Fuck." I said as my back hit the ground.

"I was not ready!" I yelled at him as I got up.

"You will never be ready to fight for your life." He said to me.

We did this over and over again. Him tripping me, pinning me, swinging at me. It was all useless. My body would react the same and I would just try to fight him and then remember I'm not supposed to and that's when he would get me. When I was thinking about trying to use my powers.

"Stop thinking so much and just do it." He told me.

"That's easy for you to say." I said to him as I sulked around the room.

He reached out and grabbed me by the arm flinging me across the room. I stood up flicking my hair up behind me as I stared daggers at him.

This was not working and I was starting to get really mad.

"Come on again." He told me.

"Are we really going to do this again it's not working?" I yelled at him.

He responded by running at me. When he reached me he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the wall behind me. He stood there looking at me for a second before pointing his finger at me like I was a child.

"You're not trying." He said to me.

"Yes I am!" I yelled as I grabbed hold of his arm.

I picked him up by the arm and flung him across the room like he was a rag doll. He landed on the floor with a loud thud. I stood there shocked for a second before running over to make sure he was okay.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" I asked as I helped him up.

"Well we found your trigger." He said to me.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"A trigger is what every young witch or wizard needs to use when there learning how to use their powers. Before there is complete control you need a tool to help you pull the magic out of you. Your trigger is anger." He told me.

"Great so I'm the Incredible Hulk." I answered.

"That's not a bad thing. You just need to learn to control you anger and then you can control you powers." He told me.

"If you haven't noticed I'm kinda an angry person." I told him.

"Trust me we all have noticed." He answered.

I rolled my eyes and then started walking away from him.

"Were are you going?" He asked me.

"To take a shower." I answered him.

I was so sweaty and disgusting I needed to get clean. I started to strip as I walked away, discarding my clothing as I went.

"You're welcome to join me if you want." I said as I turned on the water.

He did not answer instead he turned away as if he was seeing me naked for the first time. I swear he was blushing. I jumped in the nice hot shower making sure to leave the door open so he knew my invitation still held.

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