Chapter 142

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"What happened?" I asked the second I saw her in the waiting room.

"I'm not sure. We separated after you left. After a while I went to find them and when I did they were." She said but was unable to finish her sentence as she broke down in tears.

"Don't worry, I'll fix this." I told her as I pulled her into a hug.

"Derek can you stay with her?" I asked him before starting to walk away.

"What are you going to do?" He asked me.

"I'm going to find out what happened and fix it." I told him.

"Thana this is not our problem. We have enough to deal with." He whispered to me.

"There my friends." I answered as I stormed away from him and down the hall.

"Miss you can't be down here." One of the nurses said to me as I entered the critical care wing.

"Stand aside." I commanded her.

She looked at me confused for a second before stepping aside.

I moved past her and it did not take long to find there room. They were placed in the room together with nothing but a hanging cloth separating them. The one closest to the door was Allan. He laid there beaten until the point of his eyes both being swollen shut. His lip was busted open and it had to be stitched back up. He was hooked up to the heart monitors and had a breathing tube down his throat. I stood there as I watched him breath in time with the machines.

I walked up and grabbed his chart. I started to read threw it. Who or what ever attacked him must have been strong. He suffered four broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, a broken arm, lacerations all over his body and the worst of all was he suffered brain damage. His brain was so swollen they had to drill a hole into his skull to relieve pressure.

I wanted to be angry, or sad or something but at this point I just felt numb. I pushed aside the curtain reviling Stella lying in the second bed. One of her eyes was black and blue. Her mouth was absolutely swollen. I walked over to her and read her chart. She did not have as many sever injures as Allan making me think he took the brunt of the attack. Stella's main injury was a broken jaw. As I read on my blood started to boil. I was no longer numb and just plain fuming. I couldn't pull my eyes away from the words.

"Signs of sexual assault." I placed the chart down and was about to walk around to her when someone walked in.

"What are you doing here?" The person said.

I recognized the voice and quickly turned around to see Miss. McCall standing there.

"I needed to see them." I answered.

"How did you even get back here?" She asked.

"I walked in." I answered.

"Well security is looking all over for the girl who hypnotized orderly Reanna." She told me.

"I just need to talk to Stella." I told her.

"She's unresponsive." She told me.

"Just give me a minute?" I asked her.

"Fine, one minute." She answered as she stepped back to watch the door.

I sat in the seat next to her and took hold of her hand.

"I need you to show me what happened." I said to her as I held onto her hand tight.

"I wanna see the highest power,

Take me now in her past hours,

Bring me back at last."

I spoke the words to a spell I had been waiting to use ever sense I read it.

Almost instantly I felt what I could only describe as being struck by lightning. My entire body was on fire as if an electric current was running from my fingertips to my brain. I wanted to scream out in pain but knew I could not draw any unwanted attention to myself.

Then just like that the pain was gone and replaced with fear. At first it was just darkness and fear so much so I could feel my body quake. I had no idea why I was so scared. I wanted nothing more to run away but I did not know what I was running from. It took me a few more seconds to understand that this was not real. I was feeling Stella's fear. And in that moment I knew I had made a mistake. I did not want to feel this way, I promised myself I would never feel this way again, but it was too late to go back now.

I focused on that fear as it amplified and coursed threw my body I started to get a better picture of what had happened. The darkness started to fade and shapes started to come into focus. What felt like eternity later I was able to see clear as day. Except I was not seeing what happened to her instead I was seeing it threw her eyes. Not only seeing it but feeling everything. Everything she felt. First the fear was over whelming then came the pain as a strong fist made contact with her face. I winced out and I could hear Mellissa saying something in the back ground and when she did the picture started to go fuzzy. So I pushed her out and focused back to Stella. She was on the ground on her stomach trying to crawl away from whoever was attacking her. She was so weak and scared that she could not even stand up.

"What the hell are you doing?" A voice yelled and then the man who was attacking her had let go of her ankles.

She was able to roll herself over so she could see what was going on and when she did, I could feel her heart almost break in two as she watched her boyfriend who was trying to save her get beat to a pulp. She tried to help but was met with another fist to the face. I was overwhelmed with a horrible feeling of loose and grief, and it was clear she thought her boyfriend was dead and she was going to die next. I could not help but cry along with her. I knew I must me loud but I could not hold it in any longer, her feelings where to strong, to real.

Then as she laid there completely filled with emptiness a face came into focus. The man who was attacking her leaned over grabbing onto her broken face and forcing his lips on her own.

"Why?" She managed to ask.

"It has nothing to do with you. Let Thana know that this is her fault." Jared said before knocking her out for good.

I pulled my hand away from hers with so much force that I actually fell out of my chair and onto the floor.

"Thana are you oaky?" Mellissa asked as she helped me up.

"No." I answered as I wiped the tears from my face.

"You were screaming and crying as if you were in pain. What the hell was that?" She asked.

"I just saw and felt what she went through and it was something I promised myself I would never let happen to me again." I told her as I still continued to sob.

Before she could ask any more questions there was knocking at the door. Obviously she was not the only one to hear me.

"Shit." She said but before she could worry any more I poofed myself out of the room and into the waiting room.

A few people looked at me strangely as they tried to figure out where the hell I just came from.

"We need to go." I said to the two of them as I continued to walk past everyone who was staring at me.

"What happened, are you okay?" Derek asked me as he tried to slow me down.

"It was Jared. He did this." I told them stopping for the first time to look at them.

The look on my face must have shown all the rage I felt inside.

"Why, why would he do this?" Izzy asked.

"It was a message for me. He hurt them because they mean something to me. And he was to big of a cowered to go after anyone else. Everyone else I care about at least could have defended themselves!" I yelled then turned around and stormed out of the building.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked as he ran after me.

"I'm going to make him pay." I answered.

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