Chapter 165

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A few days had past and I was released from the hospital. Lucky for me dad was stuck in D.C. So I was staying with Mellissa and Scott, which basically meant I was staying with Derek.

Mellissa was really cool about the entire thing. She understood after we both lost each other, nothing was going to keep us apart. Scott, on the other hand, was not happy I was not staying at his house. He called every hour to make sure I was okay. There had been no more attacks or weird accidents, it seemed like everything was all going back to normal.

Derek and I's bond had been second some in the wake of everything. We were not able to feel each other one hundred percent anymore. We could still tell when something was wrong but it was not like before. Derek thinks it's because we both died. Apparently, he believes everytime you die even if you come back you loose a little bit of your soul. So in response everytime, one of us died our connection weekend. Our souls were weaker, so our soulmate bond was as well.

Our familiar bond was almost none existent which makes sense, Derek's not a wolf anymore. But I didn't care, I still loved him and he still loved me. That's all that matters and after all that happened all that mattered is that we are together and nothing was every going to take him from me every again.

I had fallen asleep with my head against his chest, listing to his steady heart beat. It seemed like the only time I could ever get a good night sleep was if I was lying like this. Every night since losing him I had fallen asleep listening to his heart. It was soothing and made me feel safe knowing it was working again. Even when I was drifting off I wanted to know he was still all right.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. I smiled happily as I rolled over to see Derek was in the kitchen. I smiled at him as he continued to cook. His bare muscular back was facing me still. I realized he must not have noticed I had woken up and decided to use that to my advantage to try and sneak up on him. I slowly crept up behind him and yelled as I poked him in the sides.

He jumped up and dropped the pan of eggs he was cooking. He turned around the look on his face was pure anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Look what you made me do!" He yelled at me.

"There just eggs, relax," I answered.

"Don't tell me to relax! Nothing is a big deal to you! You just do whatever you want and never care about anyone else!" He continued to yell.

"You know what, I'm going home," I told him not understanding why he was acting like this.

I turned to walk away from him but he grabbed me and slammed me into the wall.

"What are you doing?" I yelled at him.

He didn't answer, instead, he wrapped his hand around my throat pinning me to the wall.

I struggled to breathe as I tried to get away from him. He may not be a wolf anymore but he was still a really strong guy. My lungs started to burn as there was no air left in them and my throat felt like it was going to collapse in from his presser. My vision started to spot over and just as quickly as it started it was over. The pressure was gone. I fell to the floor landing on my face gasping for air. My lungs and throat burned at they were filled with what I needed to live. Once I was strong enough I stood up and looked around to see Derek was across the room. He was unconscious and I wanted to run away but someone made me go check on him. When I walked around the counter I saw he was stabbed by one of the knives he was cooking with. He looked dead.

I leaned down to check his blood pressure and his eyes shot open. He did not move he just sat there looking at me.

"This is all your fault. Everything is your fault. We would have been better off if you never came here." He said to me.

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