Chapter 101

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The ambulance doors opened and doctors and nurses rushed around as they removed Scott from the back. I could do nothing but jump out and follow after him as they carried his unconscious body down the hall and into a room. I was stopped from going inside with them and forced to wait out in the waiting room.

I stood pacing around the room wanting to know what was happing on the other side of those doors. So I shut my brain off as much as I could and focused on listening to the doctor's voice. Then as if I was in the room with him and not out here in the waiting room I could hear his voice crystal clear.

"Time of death twenty one hundred hours. Someone please page Melissa McCall." He said.

Even though I knew what was going to happen I can't help but cry as I listen to what is happening. I could not help but worry that this was not going to work. I had to get out of here before Melissa came and saw her dead son. So I left to tell Derek what was going on considering I broke his phone.

When I got to Derek's I found him sleeping on the couch. I could not help but wonder why he never locked his doors considering how many people are trying to kill him. As I walked closer to him I was surprised that he had not heard me and woke up yet. All the other werewolves I know, know when I'm coming a mile away. I could not help but feel like he was hiding something from me.

I was now standing in front of him and I could not help but lift up his shirt to look at his gunshot wound. I was shocked to see that is still had not healed. Not even a little it looked exactly like mine. I was about to let go of his shirt when his hand grabbed hold of mine.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Protecting my wolf." I answered.

"Me?" He asked with a smile.

"Why aren't you healing?" I asked getting rite to the point so he could not distract me.

"Some wounds take longer." He said which even though that's the truth normally I knew he was lying.

"Not for people like you. What's going on?" I asked again.

"Maybe I'm just tired." He said as he let go of the hand he was still holding and rolled over like I was not there.

"Derek stop lying to me. I can feel that you're still hurt." I reminded him.

"Maybe your just feeling your own gunshot wound." He answered.

"Show me your eyes." I said to him not really knowing why I asked that.

"You saw them." He answered as he tried to look anywhere but me.

"Your real eyes." I told him.

He just turned to look even further away from me.

"What's really going on?" I asked in a much nicer tone.

"Remember Kate?" He asked me and my stomach instantly feel.

"How could I forget the murderous bitch who is still trying to kill you?" I answered.

"Well before you got here she did something to me. It's like I'm becoming more human every day. My senses are gone, I can't heal." He told me and it was clear this made him very nervous.

"We will fix this." I told him as I pulled up his face forcing him to look me in the eyes.

"That bitch won't win." I said causing him to smile.

"Now wait rite here." I told him as I got up and got the first aid kit again.

When I got back I had him removed his shirt. Shamelessly admiring the view as he did. When he got it off I sanitized and wrapped the wound again.

It should heal find but make shore it doesn't get infected." I told him.

He softly touches the bandage and then unfortunately pulls his shirt back in.

"That's probably something you never had to worry about before. Is it?" I asked him.

He simply shakes his head no.

"So it's everything then. No glowing eyes, no healing, no super strength?" I asked him becoming more and more worried about him buy the second.

"Hearing, smelling, everything." He answered.

"You should have told me." I told him.

"I still know how to fight." He answered like that made this any better.

I could not help but rolled my eyes at him and he obviously noticed.

"Let's arm wrestle." I told him.

He looked at me strangely but agrees.

"You ready?" I asked him.

"Mmhh." He answered.

"One, two." I started to count down but before I could get to three I punched him in his wound causing us both to grown and bend over.

"You cheated." He yelled at me.

"I won." I told him. "When you're human facing off against things stronger then you, you need to be willing to bend the rules." I finished.

He stood there staring at me for a moment like he was trying to figure me out.

"I'm going to teach you how to bend." I said to him as I smiled in excitement.

"But you're not human." He answered.

"But I thought I was. And I learned to survive as one." I answered.

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