Chapter 147 : Derek's POV

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The group of us headed to the hospital. We really had no idea where she was but with all that power it made sense she would head here and try to help her friends.

When we got there everything looked normal until we tried to walk inside.

"Why is the door locked?" I asked.

"The hospitals on lock down." Stilinski told us as he walked over from his cruiser.

"Why?" Scott instantly asked as he started to panic.

"Everything's fine, some patients have disappeared." Stilinski answered.

"How do we get in?" Stiles asked.

"Call your mom." Kira told Scott.

He did what she said and about five minutes later she opened the door and we all rushed in.

"Who's missing?" Stilinski asked Melisa as she led us down the hall.

"Stella, Allen, and David." She answered.

"How?" Stiles asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out." She answered as she pushed open a door leading to a security room.

It was clear to me that Thana had come from them. She was messing with things she knew nothing about. Dealing with magic that she had no idea how to control. This was extremely dangerous and I was convinced I was going to lose her. I could not help but think about what the witch had said.

"Was she here?" Scott asked.

"That's the thing, it doesn't look like it. We haven't seen her anywhere. Just Allen and Stella walking out like nothing had happened to them. David just disappeared." Melisa told us.

"Play it back." Stilinski told her.

She did and we watched the video and like she said nothing out of the ordinary happened. Until a few seconds of static took over the screen.

"What's that?" Stiles asked.

"A glitch." She replied.

We fast-forward the tape looking for when they left but before them was another glitch.

"Did you see that?" Stilinski asked.

"Yeah." We answered.

"Play the tape at the front door five minutes before this." Stilinski said.

Melissa listened to what he said and we watched the parking law tape and saw nothing but rain until the entire screen was covered by static. It lasted about ten seconds.

"Long enough for someone to walk inside." I told them.

"Play the lobby, starting at exactly after this." Stilinski told her.

A few seconds after the tape started to play the same thing happened.

"The next camera." Stilinski told her once the static stopped.

And just like we all knew the same thing was on the next camera and the next one all the way to Stella and Allen's room. Then it went away and we were staring at their closed door. A few minutes later the static came back and a few minutes after that Stella and Allen walked out perfectly healed.

"Show the tape to David's hall." Stilinski told her.

When she did we saw the same static block the screen then a little later some staff try to push their way through the door. After a little while of struggling they managed to push the door open.

"That's when we realized he was gone. There was no one in there. But the doctor swears he heard people inside before he opened the door." She told us.

"She's covering up her tracks. Not leaving any proof behind that she was hear." I told them.

"So where the hell is she?" Scott yelled.

"Maybe she went home." Kira said.

"Parrish is there waiting, she has not shown up." Stilinski told us.

"Did anyone check her friend's places?" Melisa asked.

"Yes, she's not there either." Stiles told her.

"Could she be at your place?" Scott asked me.

I did not know but I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Peter.

"Hello Derek." He sang as he answered his phone.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"I'm at the loft." He told me.

"Is Thana there?" I asked.

"Nope." He answered.

"Don't lie to me Peter! Do you know where she is?" I snapped at him.

"Nephew do you still not trust me after all this time?" He asked taunting me.

"Just answer me." I told him.

"I have no idea where she is, I have been too busy trying to do your job." He told me before hanging up.

"She's not there." I told them.

"Sheriff." A voice said over his hand held.

"Go ahead." He answered back.

"The McCall girl, she's at the station." The officer told him.

"I'm on my way." He answered before running out of the room followed by everyone except Melisa.

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