Chapter Eight - Stiles

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A/N you should really listen to the song while you read this chapter. 


            “I cant believe were going to pick up your sixteen year old sister. This is crazy you have a sister.” I had been rambling. I think I have been talking for about ten minutes now and Scott had not said a word.

            “Stiles!” Scott yelled at me.

            “Yep.” I answered him

            “Shut up. I don’t need a play by play of last nights events. I was there. I told you what happened.” He informed me.

            “I know. Its just crazy. I mean why are just finding out about her now?” I asked him.

            “My dad just found out about her. How was I supposed to know?” He said staring out his window he would not even look at me.

            “Turn left here.” He told me.

            I did what he said then looked back at him.

 "Well where has she been the last sixteen years?" I asked him.

"I don't know. In foster care in Boston." He answered.

"That must have sucked. And she really had no memories from before she was found?" I asked.

"That's what my dad said."

"But why?" I asked.

"Stiles I don't know. Stop asking me questions. I don't know anything except what I told you." He said as he took a deep breath.

"Pull in rite here." He said as he pointed to the condo conplex to my right.

I pulled in.

"What number again?" I asked.

"Really I have told you like ten times." He snapped at me.

"You don't need to tell at me. Did the big bad Alfa wake up on the wrong side of the bed." I teased him.

"More like I did not wake up at all." He mumbled.

"But seriously what number was it again?".

"22. Stiles. 22." He said.

I pulled in and parked in front of the house he told me.

"So we're is she?" I asked as I looked around for a sixteen year old girl who I envisioned looking just like Scott but in a wig.

"She's rite there he said." Pointing as we stepped out of my jeep.

I looked over to where he was pointing.

"Here." I asked.

"Yes." He said obviously annoyed with something.

I looked at the girl he pointed at and she was nothing like I thougt.

She was leaning against the wall with one leg bent and supporting her up against the wall. She had long weavy dark hair that hung down to her waist. She was Waring a very short black dress that showed off her town legs that were covered in black socks. I think. She did not seem to be wearing any make up but who could tell with girls. From here I could see the eyes that Scott told me about. One was distinctly blue and the other green.

"Dude. Your sisters hot." I said out loud before I even knew I was thinking it.

In response I got a firm punch in the arm from Scott.

"That hurt." I complained as I rubbed my arm.

"Shut up that's my sister." He told me.

"What she is." I responded not being able to help myself.

He looked over to me and growled lowly.

Some times I really wish I could just shut of my brain and this was one of those times.

"You may be my best friend, but I suggest you don't say another word." He told me as she started to walk up to us.

When she reached us she dropped her cigarette and put it out with the tip of her shoe.

She then look up at me and smiled.

"Hi. I'm Thana."


Quote from song. 

"And I probably shouldn't stare, but I am fighting it, Fighting it. And I think that she's aware and kind of liking it. Liking it."

"Hot girls, they can break me, break me. Hot girls, you know what you're doing. Now, hot girls, come and break me, break me. Hot girls. take me where you are going."

"I've got nothing to loose. If you need someone to use, I can take the abuse."

"Wet lips to cigarette and now she's striking it, lighting it As she lookes me in the eye, hell, she must know she's inviting it. Hot girls, they can break me, break me." 

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