Chapter 185

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I could not understand why the others, especially Scott, could not understand what I was trying to do. I understood that they were worried, but it was in my book of shadows meaning this must be something someone in my family has done before. I had already proven I could save my friends from near death. This isn't too much of a difference. I was going to save her just like I saved everyone else. Once it was done and she was back, I knew everyone would forgive me. They would see that I was right once it's done.

I focused on Kira. I would be able to bring her back easy enough. The hardest part was going to be calling her spirit back to me. The resurrection spell would work, but only if her spirit was still on earth. If she had moved on, I would have to rip her away from where ever she was, which would take a considerable amount of energy. I could only hope she was still lingering somewhere nearby.

I stood directly at her head with my hands held up over my head. Reaching for the heavens or where ever her spirit might be.

                                                        "Hear these words hear my cry,

                                                         Spirit from the other side,

                                                        Come to me I summon thee,

                                                        Cross now, the Great divide."

The second the words left my mouth, the flames of the candles shot up about a foot from the wick. I was calling out for her and was fighting it. I could feel her. She had not moved on but was no longer on this plane with the rest of us. She was stuck somewhere—some sort of in-between.

I repeated the incantation this time with more force in my words as I fought to hold on to the spell. I could feel her tugging towards me, but something still had a hold on her. I repeated the words this time, yelling them out as I focused all my energy on pulling her out of the in-between and into the room with me. After a few seconds, there was a large gust of wind that should not be possible in a seeled room like a morgue. All the papers were flying around the room, and the candle flames were blown out. I looked up to see Kira's spirit standing at the foot of her body.

She looked down at her body for a few seconds before looking up to make eye contact with me.

"Am I dead?" She asked me.

"For now," I answered her.

I reached over to my side and picked up the dagger I had left there. I slit the palm of my right hand. I let my blood spill onto her forehead and then over her heart. Her body absorbed my blood, making the pentagrams I placed there days ago glow with a bright red light that illuminated the entire room.

"What are you doing?" Kira asked me.

"I'm almost done. I just need one more thing." I answered her.

"What?" She asked.

"This," I answered as I pulled a small wooden box out from my purse.

I opened the lid and pulled out the still-beating heart from a female Thunder Kitsune. The Kitsune on there own were hard to find. Tracking down a female Thunder Kitsune was near impossible, but I did it. Then I used blood magic to rip out her still-beating heart. Now I just needed to merge it with Kiras, and the spell would be complete.

"What did you do?" Kira's spirit asked me as she tried to flee but was unable to break through the circle I had cast.

"I did what I had to do. A life for a life." I answered her.

"I don't want it. Put it back in whoever you took it from." She told me.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. Once the heart is removed, it can't be returned." I informed her.

She started to plead with me to stop, while Scott and the others tried to break down the door, but I continued. I placed the heart over her chest. My right and bleeding handheld it in place as I spoke the incantation for the resurrection spell.

                                                                       "Anima corpori.

                                                           Fuerit corpus totem resurgent."

The second the last word left my lips. I plunged the heart into her chest. All at once, the candles erupted back to life, and her spirit was pulled back into her body. A blinding white light filled the room, causing me to close my eyes and pull away from her. When the light faded and I was able to see again, I looked down to see Kira shoot up and gasp for air. Once she caught her breath, she took in her surroundings.

"Why am I in the morgue?" She asked, obviously not remembering what had happened to her.

Then she grabbed the sheet that covered her lower half and pulled it up over her body.

"Why am I naked?" She yelled out as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

"What do you remember?" I asked her.

"Kate kidnapped us; one of her berserkers stabbed me." She said as she looked down to her stomach, expecting to see a wound or at least a sacar there but found nothing but her perfectly smooth skin.

"I could have sworn." She said.

Then all of a sudden, her head shot up to look at me.

"Scott, it was Scott. Kate did something to him. Changed him. Is he okay?" She asked me.

"Why don't you ask him for yourself," I answered her.

I waved my hand in a circular motion, and the barrier holding them out dropped. Scott was the first obe in the room. He bypassed me and ran directly to Kira. The two of them wrapped their arms around each other. They held onto each other as if they were both scared the other would disappear.

"Are you okay?" Kira asked Scott, causing him to let go and look at her strangely.

"You're asking me if I'm okay?" He asked her, confused.

"The last thing I remember, Kate had turned you into that thing." She told him.

"I'm fine now. Are you okay?" He asked her as he pushed some of her hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"I'm feel fine. A little cold. Where are my clothes?" She asked him.

Scott looked around, not sure what to tell her.

"Here, I brought you some," I told her as I handed her a small bag filled with clothes for her to put on.

"I hate to bring up the obvious, but what are we going to do about all the cops and doctors who saw Kira's body. How are we supposed to explain her waking up days later?" Stiles asked.

"I was dead?" Kira asked the group as she looked around, waiting for someone to answer.

"Just for a few days. Thana brought you back." Liam told her.

I looked to her as she made eye contact with me, a shocked look on her face.

"We don't need to worry about anyone. I cast a memory spell on the entire town. Only the people who need to know about Kira will remember her death." I told them.

"You whipped the entire town's memories?" Derek asked me, speaking up for the first time.

"Well, I figured it would be easier than trying to explain the resurrection," I answered him.

"You can't go around messing with people's minds!" He yelled at me.

"I can, and I did!" I yelled back at him. "Your welcome, by the way!" I yelled at all of them as I stormed out of the room.

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