Chapter 162 - Derek's POV

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The four of us ran done to Parrish's car and we sped to the hospital with his lights on the entire way. We were not stopping for no one. If he tried I swear I might rip his throat out. I needed to see her, something was wrong so wrong. Ever since I woke up from being dead I had an overwhelming uneasy feeling that I could not place. When they told me that she was in the hospital I knew what it was. I could not feel her anymore. Our connection was not gone completely but weaken. I could tell something was terribly wrong and I needed to find her but it's not like before. Before I would be able to tell exactly what was wrong. Feel her exact pain and tell exactly how close to death she actually was, but know all I knew was she was in trouble. Trouble and I no idea why.

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked as we sped down the street.

I looked over to her, and I guess the answer was written all over my face because she reached out and placed her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

When we finally got to the hospital I was the first one out of the car and first through the doors. I ran into the waiting room with no intention of stopping. I ran in and could see the rest of the pack standing there all with shocked looks pushing through their red and puffy eyes.

"Derek, what the hell?" Scott said as he flung me into a wall.

"You need to calm down," Scott told me as he tried to hold me still.

"Hello everyone, Derek's not dead anymore," Stiles said as he entered the room.

"Thank God." A voice said as they pushed Scott out of the way and wrapped their little arms around me.

I looked down to see it was Malia who was hugging me.

"You died, I saw you die. How are you here?" She asked as she pulled away and looked up at me with tears spilling from her eyes.

"I don't know?" I answered my own voice causing extream pain to the insides of my throat.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's with my mom, there trying to stabilize her," Scott answered.

"What do you mean trying?" I asked panicked.

"Just give her a blood transfusion and she will heal herself," Lydia said to Scott.

"I told that to my mom and they tried but her body is rejecting all the blood," Scott answered.

"I need to see her," I said as I pushed him out of the way.

"You can't, the doctors are still in there trying to figure out what's wrong with her," Liam said. "My dad's in there, with Mellissa we have to trust they know what they're doing."

"What happened exactly?" I asked.

"She ran off after you died. We all split up, I found her. She tried to jump from the old clock tower. I caught her and thought she was crying but after a few seconds I could smell the blood." Isaac said before he stopped talking and looking at his hands that still had blood on them.

"Then what?" I asked.

"She was bleeding, from her eyes, ears, and mouth." He answered. "She passed out and I carried her here." He finished.

So while I was lying dead Isaac was the one who found and saved her. I was becoming worse at my job every day.

"Thank you," I said to him.

"You don't need to thank me, I was just doing my job." He answered and I could not help but wonder what he meant by his job.

"Do they have any idea what caused the bleeding?" Parrish asked.

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