Chapter 149

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The car ride back to the house was silent. Dad did not even look my way. We parked in the same spot he does day in and day out. He stepped out of the car and started walking to the door without even looking back to see if I was following. I realized a large sigh before forcing myself out of the car and after him. Once inside I closed the door and looked over to my dad who had stopped walking half way through the room. He was just standing there with his back facing me.

"Dad?" I asked as I was starting to become concerned that I had broken him.

"You can't keep lying to me." He said as he finally turned around to face me and he looked truly upset.

"Lying to you about what? You don't think I killed them do you?" I asked him.

"Of course not but it's obvious that you and your friends now more then what you let on. You're all involved in these murders in some way and you need to tell me how so I can protect you." He told me.

"I don't know what's going on." I lied. "Really I have no idea why people keep trying to kill us." I said to him.

He let out a big breath as he rubbed his hand over his face. He was obviously frustrated with me. He knew I was not telling the truth but what was I supposed to say? There was no way to tell him what was really going on. He's in the FBI, he wouldn't be as understanding as Stiles dad.

"Just go to your room." He said to me before walking to his own without even seeing if I walked to mine.

I felt bad for making him worry so much, and if he knew the truth it would only make it worse. I have gone my entire life without a family and I really did not want to ruin all that I have now by telling him the truth. What was I supposed to say? Hey dad this is the daughter you just found out you had speaking. Just so you know I did kill those people, but it's okay because they were murderous incubus. The reason there's no blood is because I'm a blood mange. Oh and just so you know the reason there's so many assassins in town is because were all monsters. Your other child, Scott the one you abandoned he's a werewolf. These assassins are here to hunt us for money. One more thing the reason we have not been caught by now is because the Sheriff is own our side. Yeah I'm sure he would take that amazingly.

I stood there looking around my room for a while. I was amazed how a room that was exactly as it was the last time I was in it could feel so different. I was a different person now, after what I had done and I did not belong in this room any longer. It was filled with positive energy and there was nothing positive about me anymore. A chill ran up my spine as I became uncomfortable in my own room. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some clean clothes and decided it was time I take a shower.

I stripped myself of my clothes and tossed them aside not caring where they fell. I turned on the shower and stepped into the hot water. I stood there for a long time just letting the water fall down my body. I could not help but think about those people I had killed as I started to wash my body. I scrubbed my skin trying to get the blood off of me that was not there.

I would not lose any sleep over Jared and his dad but the security guards where just doing their jobs

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I would not lose any sleep over Jared and his dad but the security guards where just doing their jobs. They had families. Sleep will be lost over them. They were not part of my plan. I had lost control, it was as if another being took over my body and I had no control until I was finished. For them I started to cry as I knew I would have to learn to live with what I had done.

The tears started to flow faster as I thought about how everyone would defiantly hate me now. They would never trust me again. They will never understand that I took two monsters out of this world to save three innocent people who are important to me. They will just see me as the monster I have become. But who knows what's right? I don't and neither do they. I'm doing what needs to be done to keep everyone safe. They don't understand that this is war, and in war there are casualties.

The lines we have to cross to survive just keep getting thinner. I just don't understand how I, the youngest of them all am the only one who sees it. That's when I decided that they may hate me for it but I will keep pushing on and I will keep them safe. I don't care if they forgive me I refuse to lose any of them. They don't understand what it's like to be all alone in the world and I refuse to be alone ever again.

I can't give up or give in like them. If I did I would collapse into myself from all the pain I feel and never be able to pull myself out. This is the only way, shutting myself down is the only way I can shut it out. I have come too far to see the end now. Even if my way is wrong, I'll keep pushing on and I'll be fine. I tried to convince myself as I stood in my shower scrubbing my skin raw and crying, with no one to turn to any longer. If only they could save me. It feels like I'm drowning in the waters of my soul.

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