Chapter 130 - Derek's POv

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I grabbed the gun and ran inside ignoring the questions coming from behind me. The farther into the school I got, the more I got worried. It was a mess there were holes in the walls. Windows were broken spilling glass all over the floor. The roof was hanging low and I had to move around loose wires. I stopped walking when I reached the hall near the stairs. Bullet casings covered the floor and bullet holes lined the walls. I looked around when I noticed a trail of blood leading behind a closed door.

I opened the door to be met with a gun pointed at me. Mr. Stilinski quickly lowered his gun when he saw it was me.

"How did you get in? Is the shield down?" He asked.

"No I was able to slip in." I answered.

"Dam, Chris has been shot." He said as he put pressure on a bullet would on his shoulder.

"I have to get him out or he's going to bleed out." He told me.

"Get him out I'll find them." I told him.

"Be careful she's crazy." He told me as he tried to lift up Chris.

I made my way down the hall gun drawn. Trying to listen to everything. Wishing I had my werewolf senses. A few feet down the hall there was a body lying there. I ran over to see that it was Scott. He obviously took a beating at the hands of this witch.

I knelt down next to him and shook him.

"Scott wake up." I told him.

He didn't so I shook him a little harder.

"Scott wake the hell up!" I yelled.

He started to move around slowly and make some strange noises.

"Where are they?" I asked him.

He did not answer just look past me. I looked in the direction he was looking.

"Down stairs, are they down stairs? Scott is she down stairs?" I asked him again before he passed out again.

"Fuck." I mumbled as I grabbed my gun off the floor and headed down the stairs.

When I got to the basement I realized how hard it was going to be to find her. This place was huge and I never really had to pay attention before. But now I had no idea where she was and no way of finding out.

I thought about calling out for her but knew I couldn't risk letting the witch know I was here. I tried to reach out for her, I had to find her. I could feel all the pain she was in. I closed my eyes and listened for anything, any noise that would give me an idea of where to go. Then I heard it, a slight noise down the hall to my right. It sounded maybe like a door opening.

I headed in that direction and it did not take long to find them. The witch was standing there with her back to me stepping over Kira. Thana was in front of her cowering in the far corner of the room she was in. she looked so broken and weak.

I quickly pointed my gun at her. I got off two shots hitting her in the back before she realized I was there. She screamed out as she spun around knocking the gun out of my hand. I looked from my empty hands to her to see a pool of her blood was forming around her, proving I got her good at least once.

I tried to reach for the gun but was stopped half way. I struggled against her hold. I could feel her weaking from the blood lose.

Just when I thought I was going to break threw she sent me flying into the wall. I don't know what I hit but there was a stabbing pain in my stomach. I could hear Thana scream out as I did.

I laid there on the floor in a pool of my own blood holding on to the gash I knew would not heal. I stretched out my arm trying to reach the gun. The witch stepped on my wrist stopping me from moving any more.

"Why is it that every single one of you are so willing to die for this girl?" She asked.

I was unable to respond, I could not find the words to respond.

"I only came here for that girl but if you all insist on getting in the way maybe I'll collect the bounty on all of your heads. I mean it's not about the money, not really. I just want the title of being the one who kills the last of the Royal blood line. The world knows it's better off without blood mages in it anyway. But I'm not one to miss this opportunity. Not for that amount of money. You thou, I'll keep you alive. I mean you're worthless." She said to me as she dug her heal into my wrist even harder.

She turned her back to me and started walking back to Thana. There was a quick blue that sped by me and knocked the witch to the ground. It took me a second to realize it was Scott. The two of them were fighting and from the look of it Scott was able to hold his own. At least for now.

I forced myself up and grabbed the gun and aimed at the witch. The problem was I couldn't take the shot. Her and Scott were thrashing around and I was scared I would hit him.

"Take the shot!" Scott yelled as he struggled to hold her still.

I knew this would be my only chance so I took the shot. I hit her in the hip. She yelled out as she fell to the floor. Scott staggered back out of the way as I walked up and pointed the gun at her face.

"You think that our protecting her. But you're the one who needs protection. You all do! She will leave you, she will betray you. She will become the biggest monster you will ever cross. When she gives into the bloodlust and joins the mutt you will lose her forever. That's why she must die." She yelled but I did not let her finish.

I pulled the trigger sending the bullet into her skull. She quickly crumbled to the floor. Her lifeless body surrounded by her own blood. Now that she was no longer a threat Scott slid down the wall to catch his breath. I thought about helping him but only for a second before running to Thana who was still huddled into the corner.

I held my hand out to her and helped her up once she took it. The second she was on her feet I wrapped my arms around her and fought through the pain as I pulled her close and hugged her.

"I was so worried

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"I was so worried." I told her.

She didn't reply instead she just started crying. She held onto me and cried as she barred her face in my chest. I had never seen her like this before and it broke my heart to see it now.

"Kira?" She finally said as she wiped her eyes and looked over to her.

"She's fine." Scott said as he held his girlfriend.

"Lydia?" She asked having to check on everyone.

"I locked her in a class room." Scott answered.

"Thank god!" A voice yelled form down the hall.

We all turned to see Malia standing there with Stiles.

"I'm so happy you're not all dead." Malia told us.

"My dad called backup. Chris was shot." He told us.

"Let's get you guys outside." I said as I tried to help Thana outside without letting her know I was hurt.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I am now." I answered.

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