Chapter 112

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I stood there for a few seconds before running after David. He really did not have any rite to be made at me. We talked about this before, and I told him then that I only wanted to be friends. I had not led him on and I thought he was okay with the way things were now. It's not my fault he waits until I am with someone else to say something.

When I reached the restaurant he was talking to the hostess.

"Table for one?" She asked and he nodded.

"Make that two." I told her as I joined him.

He looked at me annoyed and the lady noticed it. She did not say anything instead just quietly lead us to our table.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me after the lady walked away.

"Getting a decent meal. What about you?" I asked.

He did not answer, he just picked up his menu and looked it over.

"Silent treatment." I said as I picked up my own menu and looked it over.

The waitress came over and took our orders. He got a steak and I got the pasta. We sat there in silence until the food came.

"Did you seriously fallow me over here just to sit there and not talk to me?" He asked me ask he put his utensils down.

"No, I'm just waiting for you to stop being mad." I told him.

"I'm not mad." He answered.

I did not give him a response. Instead I just crossed my arms and raised an eye brow at him.

"Okay maybe I'm a little mad but I have ever reason to." He told me.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Yes I do. When we first met you totally led me on. Then when I gave into the bate you went with Jared. Then when I tried to warn you about him you got mad and would not talk to me for days. Then you tell me you're not ready for any relationship, but then you start dating the guy who has been stalking you. Do you not think that would bother me?" He asked.

"First off when we first met I remember kicking you in the balls because I hated you so much. I was never with Jared he was just there, and easy. And I did not want a relationship that's not a lie. And Derek was not stalking me, Scott told him to keep an eye on me. The more time I spent with him because of Scott I started to remember things from before. We grew up together. We were friends, we used to play hide and seek in the woods and his uncle used to bully me." I told him.

"You knew him before?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"What else do you remember?" He asked.

"Not much but a little comes back every day." I told him.

"Well Derek and Jared aren't the only problems." He told me.

"Well what else?" I asked.

"You got shot and almost died, and I had to find out on the news. Then when I went to visit you he was there and would not let me anywhere near you. He just stared at me like a creep until I left. And you're keeping things from me. You don't think I notice but I do. You're always running off with Scott and his friends. Everyone knows there involved in some bad shit. Every bad thing that happens in this town there involved in and they have sucked you into it." He said.

"I'm fine." I told him.

"Is that why you got shot at again? Why did you not tell me?" He asked.

"I got shot at again because I dragged my friends into this stupid revenge plot. It was not their fault. I did not tell you because I did not want you to worry." I told him.

He was about to say something else but froze and looked off behind me.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know if I'm going crazy or not but there are two nuns and a priest sitting at the bar." He said.

I had to admit it was kinda weird but why did he look so uncomfortable.

"So." I said.

"There staring at us. And I swear I just saw the priest take a picture of you on his phone." He told me.

I was just about to turn around and look when a body sat down next to me. I looked over to see that it was Peter.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him all ready knowing that he must have come with Derek.

"Not important. What is important is that you both keep your eyes on your food and pretend you don't notice the Holy Trinity sitting over there." He said to us.

"Why?" David asked as he tried to look at them again but Peter snapped his fingers in his face.

"I know your young and clueless but do what I say." He told him.

"Who are they?" I asked fearing the answer.

"I already said The Holy Trinity. There assassins and there here for you." He told me.

"Wait what? Why would assassins want to kill Thana?" David asked as he obviously did not believe Peter.

"Because she's worth fifteen million dollars." Peter answered and I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Wait is he serious?" David asked.

I could do nothing but give him a half grin and nod my head.

"How are we going to get out of here?" David asked.

"I started a small fire in the bathroom. The alarms should go off any second now. We will scurry out with the rest of the vermin." He answered.

"Be ready." He said.

I looked around at all the people in this room. There were families in here with kids. Innocent people who could get caught in the middle of this. And it was all my fault. Everyone told me not to come but I did not listen.

"David when this happens I need you to run. No matter what you see just run away." I told him.

"I'm not leaving you." He said to me.

"Don't worry lover boy. I got this." Peter told him.

"And who the hell are you?" David asked.

"Peter Hale, nice to meet you." He answered.

"Derek's uncle? The one who killed a bunch of people. Aren't you supposed to be dead?" David asked obviously he knew the story's the press told the town.

"I was, came back." He answered.

"See, I told you. Your brother's people pulling you into their weird shit." He said to me and then the alarms along with the sprinklers started going off.

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