Chapter 116

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My father had left the room with Officer Banks leaving me alone the older annoying detective. I sat there looking at my fingers hopping my father would hurry up so I could get the hell out of here. I needed to go to the hospital and check on David. No one would tell me anything about how he was doing.

"You think you're so smart." He said to me.

I looked at him not saying anything. I had nothing else to say to him.

"You may have your father fooled but I am onto you." He said to me as I continued to stare at my fingers.

I took a second to glance up at him before going back to picking at my nails.

"We know they were there for you. The only question is why, and what are you involved in? It's obvious you're not the sweet innocent girl you pretend to be. We know you killed the assassins and we know you had help from someone else. Who is he?" He asked even though he knew he should not be.

I wanted to tell him to shut up but I needed to keep my cool or I might be stuck here longer then I wanted.

"You have nothing to say. Your friend is dying or already dead because of you." He said.

My eyes shot up meeting his, it took all my self-controlee to not jump over the table and attack him.

"Dos that make you angry? Or nervous? Were you able to kill the assassins because you knew they were coming?" He asked.

My anger started to boil over as I stared daggers at him. He was trying to blame David on me. I mean it was but he is trying to say I was the one who placed the hit.

"I mean we all know you're capable of murder." He said to me.

I could not take it anymore. He had no right to talk about things he knew nothing about. I was clutching my fist so hard that I could feel blood start to pool in my palms as my nails broke through my skin. I stared at him as he smiled back obviously enjoying the reaction he was getting from me.

I was so angry that I could feel my blood boil inside of me. I could swear I could feel my body heating up. A few seconds later the cop started to become uncomfortable. He was pulling at his caller and starting to sweat. He was actually turning red before he started having a seizure. He thrashed around for a few seconds before falling out of his chair hitting his head on the table.

He landed on the ground with a large thud. I bent around the table to see him lying on the floor. He was bleeding out from his mouth, eyes and ears. He was reaching out for me asking for help. For some reason I could not bring myself to help him. I really did not care if he died. But I knew I had to do something this conversation was being recorded.

I ran up to him and tried to hold his head still so it would stop hitting the floor. I bent down close to him.

"Your right, I am capable of murder." I whispered in his ear before placing his head back down and standing up and away from him.

I gave him one quicker look before I started screaming for help. My dad and the other officer ran back into the room. They both looked down at him as he shakes around violently. His partner yelled out of help as he ran to his side to try to help him. Dad ran over to me grabbing hold of my arms.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"I don't know he was just sitting there and then he fell over. I tried to help but I couldn't help him." I cried out as I hugged him.

The room erupted into chaos as other people ran inside to see what was going on and try to help. Dad started to push me out of the room and past everyone else. He told me to sit down in the hallway until everything was under control. After a few minutes the paramedics got there and ran into the room. A few minutes after that the paramedics walked back out of the room pushing a gurney with the dead cop on top inside of a body bag.

I watched as they walked out of the building as I stayed where my dad had left me.

"Let's go home." Dad said to me as he came out of the chief's office.

"I can go?" I asked.

"Yes, you have been through enough and they have no evidence to charge you with anything." He answered.

"That's because I did not do anything wrong." I told him as I stood up from the chair.

"I know." He said as he placed his hand on my back and helped me walk out of the police station.

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