Chapter 167

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"Hey, hey you! Female McCall, where the hell is your brother and his girlfriend?" Couch yelled at me.

"I don't know," I answered as I looked to Mellissa who was standing on the side lines frantically trying to call him again.

"You older creepy man who always seems to be around where's McCall?" He asked Derek.

"I'm not his babysitter," Derek answered.

"No just his sisters." Couch mumbled before walking off.

"Stiles suit up your starting!" Couch yelled before heading off to yell at someone else.

I watched Stiles as he tripped over his own helmet and silently wished him luck.

"Any luck finding him?" I asked the second Mellissa rejoined us.

"No, they won't answer the phone." She said as she stared at her phone waiting for it to ring.

"They probably just lost track of time. Stiles said he was planning some romantic picnic." Mr. Stilinski said trying to calm her down.

"Scott wouldn't miss this," I responded.

Before any more thought could be put into it the whistle blew and the game began.

"That's my boy!" Mr. Stilinski yelled when Stiles ran on the field.

It took all of three minutes for Stiles to get laid out by a much larger kid from the other school. Stiles was down on the ground struggling to move. Mr. Stilinski ran down and was now one of the many people surrounding him.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled.

I looked over to the kid who dropped him and he was gloating to his friends. Like he was proud of hurting Stiles. Like it was on accomplishment to hurt people smaller than him.

Everyone started to clap and I watched as Stiles walked off the field with help from his dad. Couch was too busy yelling at another player forcing him to the field.

The game quickly started again as if Stiles had not just been injured. I watched as the behemoth set his sights on the new kid who was extremely nervous.

He ran towards him and the little guy got so scared that he froze up as the behemoth ran towards him. I knew I shouldn't do anything but I could not control myself. I extended my pointer and middle finger at him. With a little effort on my part, I sent him tumbling head over heels. The game continued around him as he did not get up. A few seconds later the whistle was blown. This time his team ran up to check on their monster who was now clutching his leg and crying like a little bitch.

"What happened?" Mellissa asked.

"I don't know," I responded but by the look on Derek's face he could tell I was not telling the truth.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

Before I could answer he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bleachers.

"What the hell was that?" He snapped at me.

"I don't know, he just fell," I replied.

"Thana don't lie to me. I know magic when I see it and you're the only witch here." He said to me.

"Well, what was I supposed to do? Let him blow threw that poor little freshmen like he did Stiles?" I asked him.

"Yes, yes you are. It's a game. He knew the risks when he made the team." Derek told me.

"Please, he would have leveled him. The only realized Stiles is still walking is because he is contently being thrown around by werewolves." I told him.

"That's not the point Thana, you can't just go around and hurt people because they made you angry!" He snapped at me.

"Mad at him for what I don't even know his name?" I asked him even though he was completely right. I wanted him to hurt because he was happy that he hurt Stiles.

"So you're trying to tell me you're not mad that he took Stiles out of the game?" He asked me.

"Well of course I am!" I snapped back at him. "He deserved it," I told him. "He thinks hurting people is enjoyable," I told him.

"That's exactly what you just did. You just snapped his leg in half. It's not right. You are seriously crossing all the lines." He told me.

"Let's go finish watching the game," I said before walking away without letting him get another word in.

I took my seat again next to Mellissa and it took a while before Derek joined us. He sat there silently as it was obvious he was very upset with me. I would not say angry just down right disappointed and lost at what to do with me.

The game did not get any better for our team. Liam froze for some reason at the last minute and one of the other players ran past him and made the winning goal.

I watched as he walked off the field defeated and upset with himself. I could not help but wonder what had caused him to freeze. I looked around as the crowed started to disperse. I was looking for Scott even though I knew he would not show up this late. That's when I saw out of the corner of my eye Malia leaving with Peter.

I wanted to fallow after them to see what was going on. As far as I knew Malia was still mad at him for betraying us again. She had told him she wanted nothing to do with him. Why was she leaving with him?

"Let's go," Derek said as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in the opiates together.

I wanted to follow Malia but it seemed that he was no longer mad at me. I did not want to risk making him mad again. Peter may be a snake but Malia is his daughter and he would not hurt her.

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