Chapter 156 - Scott's POV

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I had no idea what to do. I felt so helpless, hopless even as I watched booth Thana and Derek bleed out. They both laid there motionless but I was unable to move. All of us were frozen where Thana had left us.

"Thana!" I called out again, I focused on her heartbeat it was almost none existent.

Then like a bomb went off the shield exploded. Incinerating everything and anyone for fifty feet outside of the bubble she had made.

I was now able to move and ran over to her. I scooped her up in my arms and tried to stop the bleeding. That's when I realized she was no longer bleeding.

"Help!" I yelled.

Stiles and Lydia were trying to stop Derek's bleeding. Izzy was still unconscious and Malia was holding up Liam. Isaac stood next to them clutching his arm, looking away form all of us.

I followed his line of sight to see Calavera standing there alone. She must have been the only one to survive. Well maybe her and some of the people inside. I looked at her and she looked back. A silent challenge burnt into her eyes. I wanted to scoop Thana in my arms and run for help but feared if I moved she may shoot us. Head lights pulled up behind her and I feared she had called for backup.

Three cars came to a stop behind her. It was only when the cars turned off the head lights that I was able to relax. One of the was Mr. Stilinski, the other was Parrish. The third belonged to Argent.

"Araya, leave these kids alone!" Argent yelled as he stepped out of the car.

"Stiles are you okay?" Mr. Stilinski asked as he pointed his gun at her.

"I'm fine but I think he's dead. Oh my god dad he's not breathing!" Stiles yelled out.

I looked over and he was still applying pressure to Derek's wounds but he in fact looked dead. I looked back to Thana forcing myself to focus on her. I had to if I wanted to keep her alive.

"Hold on you'll be fine." I told her.

"Has the mighty Argents really fallen this low that you now protect these monsters?" She asked him.

"There not the monsters here. There just kids trying to survive." He replied.

"That one killed all my men." She answered him as she pointed to Thana.

"And now she'll die. The rest our under my protection." He told her.

"You take responsibility for this pack?" She asked as Thana's breathing slowed so much I almost couldn't feel it any longer.

I looked up to Argent with pleading eyes.

"Yes I do." He answered her.

"It's your funeral." She said before turning and finally leaving.

Once she turned away from us I scooped Thana up in my arms.

"We need to get help!" I yelled as I ran over to Argent, Sheriff and Parrish.

"We need to get her to the hospital." Parrish said.

I looked to Mr. Stilinksi to see tears already forming in his eyes. It was obvious he thought she was gone already.

"She won't make it." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Peter standing there. I had no idea when he got here and I really didn't car. For a second he looked like he cared.

"What do we do?" Malia asked him.

She had red puffy eyes and tears covered her face. She looked how I assumed I did. I loved over to Derek, Malia had already lost one cousin today.

"Now you want me to help?" He asked sarcastically.

"Just tell us what to do!" I snapped at him.

"Put her down." He told me.

I knew I had to listen to him but letting her go was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

"Now what?" I asked him.

He did not answer instead he walked over and slit the palm of his head open with his claw. He held it over her wounds and let his blood fall on her. His blood spilled until he got dizzy and had to put pressure on it so it would heal.

"Nothing's happening!" I growled at him as I just watched his blood pool around her.

"Give it time she's weak." He said then clawed me.

"She'll need more." He said as he held my hand over her.

"She's dying." Liam said as he struggled to walk over.

"Who's next?" Peter asked.

"I am." Malia said as he stepped forward.

We all did out part and still nothing happened. He was wrong.

"Why isn't it working?" I asked.

"We need her to bind it." He said as he pointed to Izzy who was still unconscious.

He grabbed her by the collar and dragged her over. Normally I would stop him from being so rough but I could not get my body to react in any way.

She only woke up when Peters slit her wrist. She started struggling until her eyes found Thana. Her and Peter must be on a different wave length then the rest of us because she instantly calmed down.

Almost the second Izzy's blood touched her there was like a small explosion of air followed by the ground latterly starting to shake. It was like a small earth quake was shaking the town. As if the earth was fighting her taking back the blood it absorbed. The blood started to move around in little puddles that looked almost like slugs. They slithered up her body and into her cut wrists. The blood started to move faster and the vibrations coming from the ground became more intense. After just about a minutes all the blood was absorbed and we watched as her wrists started to pull close until she was completely healed. Then everything stopped. The heaviness in the air lightened and the earth stopped moving. Her eyelids started to flutter before they opened slowly.

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