Chapter Thirty - Two

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Luckily Scott and I had no time to talk on the drive home because he took his bike so school that day. When we finally got to my house I got off the bike and handed him his helmet.

“Don’t forget if dad asks your meeting me at the concert.” I told him.

“I know.” He answered.

I started to make my way to the door.

“I don’t like lying.” He called out after me.

“I can tell. You suck at it.” I responded before opening the door and walking inside.

“Dad.”  I called out.

There was no answer. I looked around and there was no sign of him. He must still be at work.

I quickly jumped into the shower to make shore I got off all the dried blood. I washed my hair so many times I swear it was going to fall off. No matter what I did I could not make myself feel clean.

Once I was done I walked out of the bathroom not bothering to wrap myself in a towel. I knew I was the only one in the house. I made my way to my room and pulled on a pair of back underwear and my strapless white and black striped bathing suit top. I then pulled over my legs a par of shier black tights. I put on a pair of old jeans that I cut up into shorts. They were torn up in the front so the pockets where nonexistent. And they were all frayed on the bottom.

On top of my bathing suit I pulled a shier long sleeve shirt. That covered me but was see threw. I tucked it in to my shorts quickly not caring if it looked perfect just wanted it tucked in. I grabbed some silver bracelets and rings throwing them on then went to the bathroom to quickly blow dry my hair.

It only took about ten minutes for my hair to dry perfectly into its natural curls. I let them fall down and looked at myself in the mirror. Perfect.

I looked at my phone.

“They should be here soon.” I said to myself.

I through on my favorite black boots. Grabbed my small black bag and went into the living room to wait.

It was not long until I heard my door bell ring. I shot up and ran to the door.

“Hey girl.” Izzy said greeting me with a smile.

She was wearing a light peach color dress. It had thin straps and stopped mid-thigh. She wore black underwear and a black bra underneath that could be seen through the fabric. She had black panty hoes on that stopped rite before her dress started.

She blond hair rested on her shoulders. Messy but still nice. Her blue eyes like always were surrounded by her thick layer of black make up.

“You look good.” I told her as I locked the door behind me.

“Well I know that. You don’t look to bad yourself.” She told me as she wrapped her arm in mine and started leading me towered a large van.

The back door swung open revealing Stella and Allen.

“Welcome to our tour bus.” Stella said as I hopped into the back with them.

There were no seats back here just all of their band equipment. So I just found a spot on the floor and took a seat.

Allen looked exactly like he does every day. I wondered if he ever put on anything different.

Stella on the other hand looked amazing. She must have died her hair after school because it was an even brighter red then it used to be. She had on black jeans that rested above her belly button. She had a silver strapless bra type shirt that was covered I silver spikes. It looked like it would hurt if you touched it. She was wearing ankle high thick heeled boots. The heal of the boots where also studded to match her top.

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