Chapter 92

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The second the super-hot blade touched Derek's skin he shot awake. His eyes shot open as he screamed out and he tried to sit up but Peter pushed him back down.

"Stop being such a baby. I was set on fire, twice." Peter told him.

I could not manage to scream as I had become incredibly dizzy from the pain. I felt like I was going to vomit and then pass out. I staggered back and had to hold on to a chair for support.

"Hey Thana stay with me over there. I really do have other plans for tonight that don't involve the two of you." He said to me.

I managed to look back over to him to see that Derek had just noticed I was there. I forced myself to walk over to him. I grabbed hold of his hand.

"Hey." I said to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I didn't have anywhere else to be." I told him.

He smiled at me slightly but it was cut short when Peter unexpectedly dug the knife back into his side causing the both of us to scream out in pain. I could not hold it in anymore. I let go of his hand and hell to my knees.

"Stop, stop!" Derek yelled.

"I almost got it out." Peter said to him.

"You're hurting her!" Derek growled at him.

"Well she needs to suck it up." Peter answered.

"I'm fine don't worry about me." I said from the floor where I was now on all fours.

Neither of them said anything but Peter went back to work. Another agonizing pain ran through my side for what felt like forever. It was not bad enough that a few days ago I was actually shot. Now I am feeling the pain from a bullet wound that's not even mine.

"Out." Peter said as he dropped the bullet on the bed next to Derek.

He did not say anything else he just got up and started to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked after him.

"I told you I have other things I need to do tonight." He answered.

"He's still hurt." I snapped at him.

"It's fine. Ill heal." Derek said.

"See he's fine. Plus you two have a lot to talk about." He said, winked and then walked into the elevator and disappeared.

"Your uncle is an asshole." I said as I pulled myself up off the floor.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has said about him in a long time." He answered.

I looked back to see that he still had a big hole in his stomach.

"Where's your fist aid stuff?" I asked him.

"In the bathroom under the sink." He answered.

As fast as I could force my body to move I got up and found his bathroom. I grabbed the first aid kit and sprinted back to the bed room.

"So does this sort of thing happen to you often?" I asked not being able to understand how calm he and Peter were being.

"Yes." He answered simply.

It was only a three letter answer but it sent a horrible feeling threw my body. I could only describe it as a bone crushing chill, that made entire body shiver and my stomach twist in sadness, and fear.

"That must suck." I said as I leaned closer to him so I could apply the butterfly stitches.

"It does." He answered then hissed out as I put wait on it again.

I did this a few more times before pulling out the gauze and banged. I place the bandage over his wound then wrapped the gauze all the way around his stomach so it would not fall off.

"Do you got any pain killers?" I asked him.

"No they don't work on us." He answered.

"I was not asking for you?" I told him.

Not only have my pain killers worn off and my own bullet wound hurt but there was a lingering pain from him that would not go away.

"Sorry." Responded.

"No big deal. I had some in my purse but I left that in Stiles Jeep." I told him.

"Do you want to call him to pick you up?" He asked.

"No, I'm going to stick around here for a little. Make sure you don't drop dead." I told him.

He smiled at me as he pushed himself off the bed.

"Where you going?" I asked annoyed that he was trying to move around.

"I'm thirsty." He answered.

"Go sit down. I'll get you water." I told him.

I watched as he continued to walk across the room until he sat on the couch and then went to get him a cup of water. I poured it for him and before walking back to him I grabbed the bottle of scotch that sat on the counter and took it with me.

"Here." I said as I handed it to him.

As he drank his water I took a swig from the bottle. I hissed as it burned down my throat. When I looked back over to him he was looking at me funny.

"What? You have your ways of dealing with your pain. I have mine." I told him before taking another gulp.

"That's enough." He said as he pulled the bottle away from me.

"Hey." I wined.

"Scott will kill me if I let you get drunk." He told me.

"When did Scott become the boss of you?" I asked him.

"When he became the Alpha." He answered.

"That must suck being bossed around by a teenager." I said to him.

He looked at me for a second like he wanted to say something but then thought against it.

"Did you get the book?" He finally asked.

"Yeah, it's over there." I said as I pointed to it.

"Did it work? Did you get your powers?" He asked.

"I don't think so. I don't feel any different. Except for the fact that I can feel your pain. What the hell is that about?" I asked him.

"It's because we have been spending more time together. Our familiar bond is growing." He told me.

"Well that's weird." I told him.

"Not really, that's how it's supposed to be." He answered.

I did not know what to say to him so I got up and grabbed the book before sitting back next to him.

"Okay well lets crack this bad boy open and see what happens." I said to him.

He leaned in closer as if out of curiosity and I could not help but wonder if he had ever seen the book. The look on his face said that he hadn't and it was a big deal that he was about to.

"Here goes nothing." I said as I started to open the cover.

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