Chapter 114

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Times seemed to stand still as I held him there. Finally the cops shown up along with the ambulance. I'm not sure when or who but at some point someone came and took him from me. I was ushered out of the restaurant and into the back of an ambulance. They quickly looked me over and gave me the all clear. I thought this was weird considering I was stabbed in the shoulder but I could not bring myself to speak.

All I could do was stare ahead and try not to break down. I could hear people try to talk to me but it was all muffled sounds. All I could do was move around to where everyone was pushing me. I ended up in the back seat of a car. I sat there silently with my head resting against the window. The only thing I could focus on was the strange tingling feeling that was running under my skin.

It wasn't until the tingling worn off that I was able to focus on what was actually happening. I looked around to see that I was sitting in a white room with nothing in it except a white table two man sitting across from me. I looked over to them and it was easy to see that they were cops.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"She finally speaks." The older man.

"You're at the police station." The younger man told me.

"Why, am I in trouble?" I asked.

"Should you be?" The older man asked.

I could not help but look at him wondering what he was trying to say.

"We just have some questions." The younger man said to me.

I did not say anything I just looked at the two of them.

"Is that okay?" He asked.

"I guess." I answered.

"Let's start of simple. What's your name?" The young guy asked.

"Thana Rayne Towne." I answered.

They wrote it down like they did not already know who I was. I could tell they had my file with them considering the folder the older man was clutching with my name on it. Did they think I was stupid?

"Why were you at the restaurant?" The older man asked.

"I was trying to eat." I answered.

"By yourself?" The younger cop asked.

"No I was with David." I answered as I thought about him.

"What about the other guy?" The older cop asked.

"It was just the two of us." I lied.

"Witness say there was an older man with you. That he showed up after the two of you. That he stayed and fought with you." He told me.

"That's a lot of detail for something that did not happen. There was no older man. No one helped us fight because the was no fight. Just the two of us trying to get the hell out of there." I told him.

"Well then how it is the three assassins are dead and your fine?" He asked.

"Who says I'm fine." I snapped at him knowing I was far from fine.

"We had the emt look you over. There's not a scratch on you." He told me.

I took in what he had just said and thought back to when I had gotten stabbed. Had I imagined that? No it was real I remember the pain.

"I got lucky." I told him. "But I am not fine. I had to hold and watch as my friend." I started but could not finish.

"If you want to help your friend you will tell us why the Holy Trinity was at that restaurant." The younger cop told me.

"I don't know." I answered even though I knew they were there to kill me.

"We have a witness who said they were only aiming at you." The older cop said.

"IF that was true I would be dead. Not the other people. These are professionals, why would they want to kill me?" I asked.

"Good question." The older man said but before any more questions could be asked the door shot open and my dad stormed in.

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