Chapter 15

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English was none eventful. The teacher was in his late twenty’s and seemed to be new considering the way everyone was treating him.

He had us reading Romeo and Juliet out loud as a class.

I did not really pay attention because it is my least favorite Shakespeare play. Actually I hate it.

I think it is the dumbest book ever. I also think Romeo and Juliet are complete idiots who only died because they were both so stupid.

I sat there drawing in the margins of my book. There was no one I knew in class so I was basically in he'll.

When class was over I had math. The only class I hated more than English. 

I was stuck sitting in the front of the class. I was lucky enough to know what it was the teacher whose name I don't even remember was talking about.

I managed to make it through the class without wanting to hang myself. When the bell rang I quickly gathered my things to find the gym. My last class of the day. Thank god.

It was surprisingly easy to find the gym. Basically because I saw Scott and Kira walking. When I went to say hi. They told me they were heading to gym.

I guess I do have one class with them.

Just then my good mood was crushed as Lydia ran up to us.

"Kira I told you to wait for me." She said.

"Sorry. I tried but Scott ." She said making a weird face.

I really wish I knew what these people were always talking about. I was convinced they could all read each other’s minds.

"Do you have gym to?" Malia asked as she walked up behind us holding Stiles hand.

"Yes." I told her.

She just simply smiled at me. I smiled back then the six of us finished are walk to the locker rooms.

The girls and I went into one and Scott and Stiles into the other.

I quickly changed into my black workout shorts and white tang top. I pulled on my black sneakers and walked over to meet the other girls.

Malia was also in shorts and a tang top just booth of hers were blue. I could not help but smile at her.

Kira was warring a t-shirt and gray sweat pants.

And Lydia was Warring one of those weird tennis skirt things and a pink tang top.

Go figure.

We walked out of the locker room and outside we're the guys were waiting. I looked around and saw that this school really did have everything.

Some of the kids were running on a trail that went off into the woods somewhere.

There was a field in front of me that must be the lacrosse field. There were some kids playing there to.

In the far back was a tennis court.

Lydia grabbed a tennis racket from the rack behind us and started to walk over to the court.

Maybe she finally got the idea and decided to leave me alone.

Scott, Stiles and Kira all grabbed lacrosse stuff leaving me and Malia looking at all the stuff that we could not do.

I looked at her and smiled.

Before we could all split up Coach appeared out if no were scaring the craps out of me.

"Scott, Scotts friends how do you know the new girl?" He asked.

We all just looked at Scott waiting for him to answer. When we realized he was not going to Stiles did for him.

"She’s Scott's sister." He said.

Coach just stood there mouth open looking from Scott to me.

"You have a sister?" He asked.

"Yes." Scott answered.

Coach then started to smile and looked at me.

"Another McCall." He said.

"Actually my last name is Tomes." I told him.

"That does not matter." He said. "This is great." He said.

"So Miss McCall do you play?” He asked me pointing to the lacrosse field.

"Never even seen a game I told him." I told him.

"That’s okay. That's fine what do you play?" He asked me.

I think he was expecting me to be a star athlete because Scott and I shared a dad.

"I don't know." I answered him.

"Don't be shy. Softball. Do you play?"

“I watch the Red Sox." I told him.

"He let out a slight sigh.


"No. I'm not really good with other people I told him.

"That's okay. Tennis?"

I just shook my head.

"Track , cross-country." 
Now he was just reaching.

"I smoke." I told him.

"Can you do anything?" He asked me.

know he was making me angry. Everyone was looking at us.

I looked around at all the different sports that were going on until I found one I knew I could do.

"That. I can do that." I said pointing at the group of guys who were wrestling on a mat just outside the door.


A/N there is no need for a quote. Lol I would just be writing the entire song

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