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Velvet POV:

My breath comes out faster and faster; it's another panic attack.

I squeeze my eyes shut, doing everything I can to slow my breathing.

Velv: "Fuck!"

I gasp for air, thinking of anything other than my situation.

Pink... glitter... Orchid.

I repeat the things I like most, imagining each one in my head sequentially. I focus on Orchid... her pretty purple hair... her beautiful eyes... our picture from earlier.

Slowly, I'm able to calm down. I sit in the darkness, my chest aching, yet I'm okay. Alright, I need to make a plan. I look around, the only little light coming from under the crack of the door.

If I can get this object off my leg, I can possibly crawl around to find something to get us out of here. I take a deep breath as I place my hands on the rim of the object. With one swift motion, I thrust the object off of me.

A blood-curdling scream leaves my lips... but it's off.

I lay on my back, breathing heavily as my leg feels like it's on fire. I give myself a few minutes before sitting back up. I slowly move my leg, seeing I still can even through the pain. A long, jagged cut runs on my leg, but at least I can move it.

I twist onto my side, moving the best I can to Veneer. I reach him eventually, grabbing his arm to see if I can shake him awake.

Velv: "Veneer... please."

I repeat his name, shaking him to no avail. Just as I begin to give up, he makes a small noise.

Velv: "Veneer? Veneer, please! It's Velvet!"

I watch him scrunch his face, eventually opening his eyes. I grab his hand, squeezing it tight as he blinks.

Velv: "Oh, Veneer, I was so scared! You weren't waking up!"

He blinks at me, coughing before attempting to sit up. His arms go weak, sending him back to the floor. I try to help him, but my leg causes me so much pain I can't help but cry out. Veneer stares at me wide-eyed, not knowing about my leg.

Ven: "Velvet... what's... what's wrong?"

I grab my leg, my breath hissing through my teeth. Veneer looks at my leg, his eyes glowing enough to show the gash now deep in my skin.

Ven: "Oh fuck... when did that happen?"

Velv: "When we fell. You passed out, and I got trapped under something big and heavy. I just got it off, and I can move my leg... but oh, Ven, it hurts so bad."

Veneer attempts to sit up again, this time successfully. He holds his head in his hands, yet when he moves his hand away from his face, I can see glittery blood lining his fingers.

Velv: "Veneer... I think you broke your nose."

He looks at me, then at his hands. It's too dark to tell, but that crack I heard must have been his nose breaking as he hit the ground.

Ven: "Yeah, well, my face hurts like a bitch."

I watch as he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. I wait until a sickening snap happens, Veneer's head throwing back in pain. He lays on his back and holds his hands to his face. He breaths for a while before eventually sitting back up.

The blood seems to have dried and isn't gushing out anymore.

Velv: "Did you... did you fix it?"

He moves his hands slowly from his face, moving his lips around while sniffing.

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